Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wanting to Know you Wens.

one of my resolutions this year was to get back to the passion i once held for reading.

i just finished "The Collector" by John Fowles... 

it's not a book i would normally pick up for myself but i was curious. Me and husband watch a lot of (real) crime shows together such as forensic files or cold case files. 

This book is linked to many a kidnapper, serial or spree killer. "Criminals have claimed that 'The Collector' was the basis, the inspiration, or the justification for their crimes." 

again, not a book i would normally pick up for myself but i was oddly curious and thought i should start off my resolution with reading something outside my norm.

right now i'm in the middle of "A Homemade Life" by Molly Wizenburg and loving it! not only because of the way she writes, but the recipes she shares. 

Another resolution of mine is to learn my way around the kitchen. It still isn't easy but i'm less afraid to write down a recipe and think, just do it instead of the fear i usually have or the defeat of-- "there's no way i can make this." Her book makes you excited to learn, as well as a feeling chosen that she's sharing personal family recipes. (a special thanks to Caroline for the book!)

so this week i wanna know:

What book are you reading? or recommend i should add to my library because it's your most favorite read?


Maddy said...

At the moment I'm not reading anything (shameful) but I did just finish (and will probably re-read soon) the Hunger Games series and I recommend these 3 books to everyone! The story, the characters... so awesome!

A'n'G Johnson said...

I can't wait for graduation so I can pick up a fun non-thesis related reading!

Anonymous said...

i loved Molly's book- you should try out her fennel salad recipe, it is so yummy! ( White Oleander is one of my all time fav books :) i am currently reading stuff for school which isn't too hoo, must fix that!

Seni said...

I love The Red Tent, Kite Runner, and A Thousand Splendid Suns.

i said someday.... said...

I'm reading "Water for Elephants". I have to read the book before I see my honey in the movie!! :)

Jen said...

I am trying to read more books as well. I do plenty of reading online throughout the day, but I want to read more books.

I just had to return Charles Dickens' "David Copperfield" to the library, half read. Very sad. I will check it out again to finish though! For now, I've moved on to William Golding's "Lord of the Flies." Two classics I never read in school but felt I needed to read.

April said...

Hemingway :) :) Still the Green Hills of Africa. I'm hoping to read a good portion of it today on my snow day.

Erin {pughs' news} said...

I've got a list... Are you ready?
The School of Essential Ingredients (by Erica Bauermeister)
Saving CeeCee Honeycutt (Beth Hoffman)
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society (Mary Ann Schaffer)
The Hunger Games Trilogy (Suzanne Collins)
Water for Elephants (Sara Gruen)- soon to be a movie featuring the lovely Robert Pattinson

They're all really good. I've been reading like crazy lately!

Jessica Coody said...

I read "Water for Elephants" last week. Picked it up Saturday morning and had it finished by Saturday afternoon. I love days that I can do nothing but dive into a great book. . .
I've wanted to read "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett, but I haven't picked it up yet.
You're not going to believe this- but I'm reading "Pride and Prejudice" for the first time right now. . . and honestly, I just can't get into it. I'm trying though!

thegirlhassparke said...

I have just started reading The Gargoyle - I think the author is Andrew Davidson. It is really good - I am not quite sure where it is going yet but I cant stop reading so thats a good sign.

Catherine said...

I'm reading The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami. It's odd, it takes you into a world which you think you recognise and then realize you don't. It's absorbing and very easy to read but also quite provoking. It's sexy and funny, and it's realistic. I recommend giving it a go!

(it's also a bit too big to fit in a small bag!)

Sarah said...

Well, in addition to the Elizabeth Smart book I already mentioned you should definitely without a doubt read two others, totally different from each other: East of Eden by Steinbeck. Amazing. Plain and simple. And In Persuasion Nation by George Saunders. Think of them as older and newer Americana. These are hands down two of my favourite books.

P.S. I love that mug in one of your pictures!

Amanda said...

I'm so enjoying One Thousand Gifs, each chapter is uplifting and joyful.
Definitely worth checkin' out!

Megan said...

Wow, that sounds really up my alley! The only channel I really watch is ID (Investigation Discovery.) My husband jokes that I must be trying to figure out ways to kill him. I am in the middle of a nonfiction book called "The Sociopath Next Door."

Claire Kiefer said...

Your bookshelf looks remarkably like mine: White Oleander (LOVED IT), Happens Every Day (haven't read it yet), and John Irving (my favorite). :)

I'm about to start The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo cause it's all the rage. Recently loved Zeitoun by Dave Eggers. I haven't been reading much fiction cause I have to read so much nonfiction and poetry for my curriculum.

I agree with Erin that the Hunger Games was great and Seni that Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns are brilliant (Kite Runner is one of the most devastating/beautiful books I've ever read).


K said...

I saw two for both the Hunger Games and Water for Elephants, which of course are the two I would recommend!

I'm reading a book about the assasination of JFK. Like you, it's not something I would normally pick for myself, but I am definitely liking it!

Lauryn said...

I'm just starting the Hunger Games series! Everyone has said how amazing they are.

My best advice for you as far as finding your way around the kitchen is to just dive right in! I feel a lot more confident with my cooking now, but it's just because I try new things as often as possible! It's not so scary with practice :)

Unknown said...

I just finished reading The Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare, which I very highly recommend. I'm about to start Finny by Justin Kramon. :)

sheba said...

i am *reading* [listening in the car on the way to/from work] to *the lacuna* by barbara kingsolver. so good.

Erin said...

At the moment I'm reading "Room For Improvement" by Stacey Ballis and "Brava, Valentine" by Adriana Trigiani...I have a hard time sticking to just one book at a time. I agree with Maddy about the Hunger Games series, and I would add "The Gargoyle" to your to-read list. It's amazing.

Tillie said...

right now im reading the Keith Richards Bio... and its pretty much the best ever. haha. I am a big auto/biography reader so if you are into that I have like a list of a million. There are so many good books miss M. I think I might take to a few of the above suggestions too. La la laa love for you xxx

Cole said...

I just started The Art of Racing in the Rain a couple of hours ago and I really like it, so far.
But here are my favorites...
The History of Love by Nicole Kraus (All time fave)
The Lace Reader by Brunonia Barry
The Pillars of the Earth & World Without End by Ken Follet
The Help by Kathryn Stockett
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo by Steig Larsson
All of Wally Lamb's books!

Um....that might be all I can think of right now.

Gracie said...

I too want to read out of my norm. As for the kitchen I'm exactly the same and really need to learn to cook better.

Book wise, I'm sure you have heard me go on about my love for The Hunger Games so I recommend them..

At the moment I'm reading a lot of light books :)

Kaileen Elise said...

Hi love!! It's been way too long, I know ;) I finished reading "Who Moved My Cheese" for work - it was short, sweet and offered a few helpful morsels. Now I'm reading Tranquilista by Kimberly Wilson. It's definitely one I'd recommend if you're looking for some sparkle and inspiration. xo, Kaileen Elise

*Trisha* said...

Right now, I'm reading Hated: the psychological decent into violence. Pretty good (:

I really liked Life of Pi. I'd say it's worth checking out :)

CarrieMarie said...

well, i'm still stuck on Twice Tempted, cuz i've been too busy to read this week (other than blogs, of course, LOL)! i love historical romance. and futuristic romance. and modern romance. and... sense a theme? ; ) also, mysteries, but i'm picky about those. teen books, usually are very good.

happy wednesday, i really must go to BED! : )

Farah said...

Well, at the moment I am doing mostly class assigned reading so thats a bit boring. Nothing too interesting for me to recommend, however, I did read Atonement during the break and I loved every word of it. Now I know we've all watched the movie and loved James McAvoy but there is so much more to the relationship between Robbie and Cecilia. And it had a healthy balance of not too much gore and not too much senseless mush! Love!

k said...

My favorite book in a long time has been 'Any Human Heart' :) I love reading so much!

Sarah said...

well ...I'm reading this book called Oogey, its a really sad & heartbreaking book about a pitbull puppy who went through some terrible things. But its a true story & it shows the meaning of unconditional & blind love. Some parts have been rough....but as a dog momma to 2 rescue pups...I appreciate it :)

Unknown said...

Oooh if that's your bookshelf up there, we share many books! I second (or third or whatever) Water for Elephants for something easy to engage, but very good. I also very highly recommend The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay. It's probably my favorite book of all time and has a little of everything- history, humor, art, love, family... You've got to read it.

kimbirdy said...

oh i'm fascinated with that book! did you like it? as a therapist, i have an odd fascination with the psychological implications of acts of crime. interesting...

Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

So weird becuase I was just talking to another blogger about the fact that I never read. It's embarrassing. I will veg in front of the TV for hours but I can't pick up a book and read a little?

I need to make an effort to start doing so more. The Collector is the type of book I'd probably be interested in. I love suspense and am addicted to crime shows. I literally have my parents DVR a bunch of them I don't get at my apartment hehe :)

Pria said...

I am not reading anything right now but I've got a couple of books lined up ..I picked up " Girlfriends for life " the title got me curious :)
and " The Namesake " based on a movie ..and one more I am missing the name :(

Ria said...

I am currently reading Our Ancestors by Italo Calvino, Max Danger by Robert J. Collins and Inkspell by Cornelia Funke.

One of my resolutions was to read more, but to try not to read multiple books at the same time... the second part is not really working out ;)

Cassie said...

If you want a little 'light ad fluffy' but a genuinely good read then try the author Freya North - a fabulous author and I think you would enjoy any of her works.

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