Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wanting to Know you Wens.

what time did you get to bed last night?

i'm such a night owl-- i could have easily stayed up til 3 a.m. last night reading "Water for Elephants." I can't put it down! but around midnight i turned out the lights since husband had already been long asleep.

i'm one of those who enjoys a sleep-in. 

are you a  night owl or morning person? and what did you do before slumber last night? 

( image: ms. muse tumblr )


Maddy said...

ah! I have to buy that book on my Kindle! I've heard such good things...

last night I think we turned in around 11 or 11:30, but I fell asleep on the couch much before that (haha), we try to get to bed early (like real early, sometimes 9 or 9:30) but this week it hasn't been happening. oh well!

Sarah said...

I'm such an old lady.... I was laying in bed by 9:30 & bed by 10... I feel like the older I've gotten the harder it is for me to stay awake!

But I wouldn't call myself a morning person by any means :)

BlueEyedYonder said...

I've read that book, good one. I am such a nightowl... my husband, not so much. Last night I pulled up a movie on Netflix and rearranged my bathing suit drawer - dreaming of warmer weather.

Jen said...

Jed and I went to bed at midnight last night after we finished watching Monday's episode of "The Bachelor."

I'm definitely more of a night owl, despite my best attempts to change to a morning person. I love the light in the morning, and how productive I feel when I get up early, but it really takes a toll on my body later in the day. I enjoy a good sleep-in too. :)

Erin {pughs' news} said...

I came home from my run, had a shower and a cup of decaf tea, then crawled into bed with my hot water bottle and The Help. Made myself turn the lights out by about 10:40...

I'm a night owl, but my kids are forcing me to be a morning person. It's awfully hard to be both!

Meredith said...

I loved Water for Elephants! My night last night consisted of curling up and watching Teen Mom 2 and One Born Every Minute before just passing out..I know, I'm so exciting!

Jessica Coody said...

I used to be SUCH a night owl (I blame being a bartender for the larger part of a decade) but these days I try to get to bed early (as in, by 10pm at the latest.)
Although lately, I haven't been getting to bed until around midnight - which means I haven't been getting out of bed at 6am to work out, either. :/

Lauren Nicole said...

last night i went to sleep at five something. no lie, haha. late night phone calls make my soul better. got threeish hours of sleep and yet had great clarity when i woke. the phone call was half serious and half fun, which i loved and really gave me insight and yes, clarity on things i'd been pondering. you know i'm a night owl. forever and always.

<3 <3 <3 <3

Jessica Coody said...

Oh! And I'm so glad you're loving Water for Elephants! I cannot wait to see the movie. I hear the author was incredibly pleased with the film adaptation, because it followed her novel so closely. :)

Sarah said...

I went to bed around 1AM last night. My boyfriend is working this week (he's a mailman when he's not in school) and he was up later than me, despite having to get up at 5:30 this morning! I've been reading Jane Eyre before sleep. Night owl most definitely. :)

The Shabby Princess said...

Let's see.... I fell asleep around 10:30 last night, but, I was in bed long before that--been fightin' a nasty cold, so, it's early to bed for me. Who am I kidding, it's always early to bed for me. HA! I usually go to bed early so I can wake up early and workout, but, notsomuch these days. Boo!

Claire Kiefer said...

I really really wish I were a morning person. The mornings can be so beautiful and still. And yet, I hate waking up early. I'm a night owl by nature, but my crazy work schedule has me tired earlier than expected. Last night I was working on a transcript until around 12:30, and probably went to sleep by about 1. If I had it my way, I'd sleep till 9:15 every morning. :)

Catherine said...

Good question!

I went to bed at 9pm last night, and sadly that is my normal weekday bedtime! I have to get up at 5am for work, but luckily I'm a morning person!! It's 8:40pm now and I could fall asleep right here!

ps. I LOVE the images - so simple but also sort of suggestive!

Claire said...

haha! I was late to bed ;st night as hubbie was out and i was......blogging! haha I like mornings in the summer, hate getting up in the dark days of winter x

Diana Mieczan said...

Im more of a night person and I love sleeping in :) Kisses and enjoy your day

Ps: I’m hosting an adorable shoes GIVEAWAY today! Just in time for spring!

kitten roar said...

i am a morning person, amazingly enough. i used to LOVE sleeping in until at least 11 am, but now I am up around 7:30 every day - even on days off!

i said someday.... said...

I'm such a morning person. I'm in bed as soon as I can get the boys calm and in bed :) But I, too, have been up late reading "Water for Elephants"! And by late I mean like 9:30 or 10. ha!

sheba said...

i normally go to bed waaay too late but yesterday i fell asleep at 5pm b/c i caught some awful stomach bug.

my goal is to get in bed by 10pm, asleep by 11pm, but it rarely happens!

Unknown said...

I am definitively an early bird!! Last night me and the kids watched ghost rider and went to bed at 9:00 I automatically wake up at 4:00 am! crazy ah??

Skye said...

night owl for sure. i get motivated at night but then pay for it in the morning since i get up for work pretty early. i keep telling myself i'll get on a better schedule but it doesn't help that my husband is a night owl too :)

Faiza said...

what a terrific reason to harness your inner owl. i think owls are so pretty...just like you!

in the morning i am super productive and ready to go and UP.

at night, i lounge and linger and read and listen to music and just ENJOY...

last night, i was in bed at 10:30pm but only because i hadn't slept the night before.

let's see what tonight has in store.

enjoy the book. whichever one follows it will have big shoes to fill!

Cole said...

Well, normally Jus & I stay up until 2 (I know, horrible!) I love staying up late to get stuff done but I also like waking up early and being the only one up.
Last night I went to sleep at 9:30 and woke up at 11:45 and was sure I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep but luckily I fell back asleep at 12:15 (oh the joys of being sick)
I have been known to stay up till 4:30 to finish a book before (actually, this happens pretty frequently!)

Elisse said...

I'm such a night owl!

Last night I was up catching up on blog writing and reading. I was in bed a little after midnight - yikes! Ideally I want to be in bed by 11 :(

Fallon said...

I'm the opposite! Im a total grandma. I wake up at 6am sometimes earlier. I go to bed at 10. Last night however I was indulged in the bible and sewing my orders between reading. I got to bed at 11:30.

Farah said...

Def a night owl! I slept at 1.30am despite being really tired and being up all day! And of course I love sleeping in.

But the thing about being a night owl is that I can never completely concentrate or focus on any of my assignments during the day. I am only productive during the night it seems! =s

Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

I have a hard time falling asleep before midnight. Luckily I don't have to wake up 'til about 8am because I usually go to bed around 1am.

Sadly, I veg before bed. TV and blogging :S I need to read more...heck, at all!

P.S. I'm hosting a giveaway, be sure to check it out :)

Alyssa said...

im a fan of staying up all night and sleeping in... i tend to stay up till about 1-2am depending on which americans im emailing me and what distractions i have!!

Sara said...

I went to bed at 2 am...which sucks!! it's because we were given Wednesday and Thursday off due to strikes.. and it's boring not having to work (I can't believe I just said that)

Kristin W said...

Well I LOVE sleeping in (adulthood still has not brought on a desire to rise before 10+), but I get tired so early! Blame it on the early rise schedule of a teacher...but even a year of doing that...I'm still not used to it!

Taylor said...

i'm a total morning person, awful at staying awake past 10 pm. last night before bed i listened to jake play his guitar.

Anonymous said...

i am ALWAYS a day late! lol typically i am a fellow night owl, but tuesday night found me hitting the sack early- 9:30 which is pretty early for me!

Lauryn said...

I don't think I'm either technically. I suppose I'm a morning person because I like to get up a bit early and be productive before work, especially when the sun is shining. But I still tend to be a bit grumpy in the AM for whatever reason.

Marisa said...

As you know I am like you.. Night Owl, big time. I do so wish I loved the mornings. It's is so beuatiful then... but alas

Amanda said...

I am forced to be a morning person during the week except on Wednesdays. I truly enjoy Wednesdays :)

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