Sunday, October 2, 2011


all my Dexter lovies will know and be excited today is D-DAY
Karina {my beautiful sister who shares my love for the sexy and good serial killer} sent me this picture text back in August and the season premier seemed forever away. And now it's here!!! *speaking of kary + dexter-ness... remember the valentine she made me? brilliant and such a perfect quote for me.

usually on this little blog of mine, today's feature is called "sharing sundays..." where i feature a blog or etsy crush. in celebration of D-Day, i have to share two items i found off etsy that would be perfect for any Dexter fan!

i found Ellen Weldon's etsy while searching for a birthday gift for my girl Claire. As you probably know, Claire is a huge Sons of Anarchy fan so i was beyond excited when i found this one of a kind screenprinted top of her Jax Teller.

Ellen is the kind of seller you hope for--- fast communication, helpful with sizes and fast shipping on a quality item. I was so impressed, i had to ask if she had any Dexter screen prints? right away she sent me different designs and my season premier top was custom ordered.

seriously, check out Ellen's etsy! especially if you're a True Blood, Harry Potter, Buffy, SOA fan.

how about these Dexter Blood Slide Soaps?! the scent : blood orange. hurry, they're on sale at Bloodbath!

yup, i'm such a nerd that i'll be wearing my Dexter shirt tonight

Happy D-Day Lovies!!!


Rhianne said...

oh my god, is it today?! Excited!!! LOVE the top!!

Karina Pacheco said...

Dexter!!! Dexter!! Dexter!! Eeeeekkkkkk..... I am so excited, the only thing seriously missing is a cool shirt like yours! Ahhhh! I need to get me one before the season is over and an Eric one :P Dexter!! Dexter!! Ra,ra,ra!!!Dexter!!Dexter!! Ra,ra,ra :D

Love you & miss you my beautiful sister xoxo

Anonymous said...

ahhh sooo excited :) glad i found another dexter fan ha! just came across your blog and i wanted to tell you i love it! i can't wait to read more :)

Kara said...

YAY FOR DEXTER!!! We don't have Showtime, so we're crashing our friends' MOM'S house to watch, lol! How ghetto are we? :)

:: Lavender's Green :: said...

I love Dexter and can't wait to see the new season!

x Jasmine

PS. I'm having a giveaway!

mina said...

I was kinda disappointed with the episode. I think I was supposed to be more excited that Colin Hanks is the new bad guy.

Bianca Jagoe said...

Eeeee! I was so excited for D-Day too! I remember seeing Dexter bobble heads in Borders a few years ago - I wish I'd bought it! Love your shirt!

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