Monday, December 17, 2012

My Felix girl is three months today.

I spent most of the weekend with her under warm covers, wishing I could keep her in a bubble.  

I am so incredibly saddened for the parents in Newtown who are having to go through life without their sweet babies.

When the sadness was overwhelming, I listened to this song (written out of incredible tragedy) and remembered this: theirs is the kingdom of heaven.  


undomestic mama said...

Thinking about it still makes me sick. I cannot imagine the pain those families are feeling. And, one of them was a twin. To me, that hits even closer to home because if you think about how close you and Marianne are or how close mine will be, I feel awful for his sister who no longer has her other half.

Contemplating Beauty said...

Wow three months already!? I am even saying where did the time go on this one!! She's such a light and I adore following up on IG with her an you!

We are blessed every single day we get with our kids.


Christina Monique said...

I got home to the news and cried. I keep telling Marco "imagine, just how do we go on?" I can't even think that the "imagine" is someones real nightmare. My heart broken. Something I have always kissed my girls before I left for work and now I will remember to add in another kiss. Beautiful Fefe <3 3 months! I can't believe it.

Holly said...

little doll baby. SO precious. and happy 3 months, TO YOU!!

Gracie said...

She is so beautiful and I'm glad you are spending all this time with her and documenting her life. My heart still aches for those families. x

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