Tuesday, October 9, 2012

sweet things + giveaway winner.

beautiful handmade gifts from Rhianne : bunting with felix's name & granny square quilt (her 1st!)

kissed feet after a diaper change

yes, SO VERY cute in response to Leesh's question (made by her mom Luckie

lips i can't stop kissing 

the sweetest bangle, a surprise gift from our landlord

+ the winner of the pumpkin spice cupcake soap giveaway is Meghan of The Perfect Compilation Tape! thank-you to everyone who entered.

and baby kissed filled thank-you's to Rhianne and Leesh from Felix xo


Shannon said...

Those are the sweetest gifts!! Love it!♥

Rhianne said...

Oh, I just love seeing that blanket there :) I'm so glad you loved them both x

Meghan said...

Ahh! I just adore your Felix! What a sweet girl!

And I am so honored to have won! I will send you an email!

Itchin' Stitchin' said...

Yay! Granny square blankets are the best. Felix already looks like she is growing like a weed - oh I love baby toes :)

Zoë said...

Adorable photos! And the cutest gifts.

Claire Kiefer said...

What beautiful and sweet gifts! Leesh and her mom are so thoughtful, and Rhianne--what talent! I can't get over Felix's sweet face--and I even think she looks a little like Chip in that picture!

YAY MEGHAN! xoxoxoxo

Anonymous said...

such sweet gifts!!! those booties leesh sent you are adorbs. i swear, her and her mom sew the cutest things.

Charlie's Mommy (Beth) said...

I love baby feet pictures.

cranberryportage said...

Those pink baby slippers are so cute. That was the pair that started the SBSM (sewing baby slippers marathon). I have to admit the way you posted it makes me feel good about my sewing.

Unknown said...

The granny square quilt is soooo cute!!! I need to make Bryant one! I recently figured out he really likes soft yarn blankies :)

Lindsay said...

Little baby feet are the best! Wait until she gets "pillow feet" I love the squishy, fat, baby-ness of it all.

Leesh said...

I'm glad you liked the slippers. I made one pair for my BFF's baby. The little girl wore it at 6 months old and it was so cute to see her constantly play with the rubber bottoms. Once I showed my mom how to make them, she went nuts and made several. Thanks for posting a pic of them.

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