I was already crying before she told me what we were having. Seeing your baby grow from this
at 8 weeks to where you can see the chambers of her little heart beating... it's all the evidence i need to know that there is a loving God.
I know sonogram photos are hard to make anything out, but here's our baby at 19 weeks:
The nurse said Baby Maxham is already photogenic - here's her "looking" at the camera. You can make out her eyes, little nose and mouth. Unreal right?
and this is the one where she said she was pretty sure it was a girl:
our baby is "mooning" the camera (as her
auntie Kary said ha). Her little bum is on the right and those are her two legs (the nurse said she thought the lines where her lady bits).
We are first thrilled and so thankful to God that our baby is healthy.
Truthfully, this mama is hoping that the 85 percent chance is accurate... i've had
her name picked out for awhile.