Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sharing Sundays... an etsy favorite from nan lawson.

has it really been a week since i've last blogged? 

hello lovies! today's sharing sunday is a print that i actually got for my birthday from one of my favorites-- april! she surprised me with this print from nan lawson saying, "I think of you every time I watch this movie, and love that it touches your heart like it does mine!" 
thank-you so much april! like most pieces of art, it's even more stunning in person.

if you've never seen eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, watch it right.this.instant. or at least tonight-- it's on instant watch on netflix.

it is my absolute favorite movie because i've often wondered this.


Claire Kiefer said...

What a perfect gift. So thoughtful and so you. I love it so much! Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is the only movie I've ever seen by myself in the theater. :)

wfayew said...

Love that movie and love that print! I just bought a few from her shop!

Louise McG said...

eh, yeah its been a week, i've been patiently waiting! haha. Jk. Love this to look at the shop!

Louise xo

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