this being a mail time monday post, i realized i never shared what i got in Megan's Stationary Swap exchange. I love who i was paired up with- Molly (gorgeous!) from "my name is Yeh." She sent me the best mix of postcards (hello Johnny Depp!), hand made notes, polaroid cards, and even included a CD from Juilliard of her playing the drums. The pencils she included said funny things like, "give up and be a back-up dancer." what i loved most is that each paper pastry had a reason why she loved it-- a notecard from her favorite cafe in NY, or a hamburger card cos she mostly has a foodie blog, and penguins cos it's her school mascot.

Molly I loved everything!!! (and have already used quite a few things already)
I was so sad that silly me accidentally erased the pictures of my swap gift for her, but here are a few pics she kindly snapped for me. Her gift was the first one i tried using a record as packaging.


^Blanca had emailed me asking for instructions on how to put a button on her blog with a link. I happily helped her and in return, she sent along some of her recent etsy purchase. I love them and insisted she didn't have to! again, i adore random kindness and will always try and return it to the world.

^thank-letter from sophia in Australia who got my swap gift for Cole's "favorite things" exchange. I was happy to get her because we had already exchanged letters before, but it was still fun to surprise her.

^each gift had a special meaning written on a piece of stationary and this necklace she made for me. Passion, you are a darling girl! really. Such a lovely surprise!!!! Not only were their goodies for me, but Passion's Mom knitted a Domo doll to send to my brother in Iraq. Isn't he beautiful!? i'm beyond touched that she would do that for me and my family.

Of course right now Domo is currently serving in Iraq as well. When I send this to Marco, I'm going to address it to Domo as well. Passion, he's going to LOVE it!!! thank-you sooo very much! I've sent something out your way today, so hopefully you'll get it this week. I can only hope you love it as much as i loved my package! xo

^postcrossing from Belarus (artwork from a famous belarus artist)

^from Brittan, who sent along the sweetest postcard, original water color (such a talented artist & currently working on illustrating a children's book) with a pin she thought i'd love. I do! thank you sooo much sweet friend! x
^from Zoe who sweetly asked to write me. We have a lot in common, me and her- twin sisters, we're vegetarians & she wrote on a piece of stationary that said la dolce vita. Love! just like her envelope.


I'm so happy you liked the package! I can't wait to get yours but I'm looking forward to your letter far more. I've already started telling you about the move :)
I'm so impatient!
you send/recieve the cutest stuff ever. my goodness. JOHNNY DEPP POSTCARDS! Oh my i want some so badly. I am so in love with that man. haha.
I'm super jealous of your incoming and outgoing mail!!
Ohh wow! You truly get some really amazing packages! Absolutely lovely.
And I know that you are so blessed with beautiful letters and mail because you always send the most lovely items. And you're so quick with writing back! xx
I really love the postcards you are sending :)! And I enjoy the stuff you got. It is so nice to have so much nice friends who send you nice letters who make your day :)!
I hope I will have something in my mailbox today as well :)!
Wow! All this is amazing!! So detailed and pretty!
fiiiirstly - i just saw your lil collage at the bottom of your page and i love it! YOU ARE SO PRETTY. wow.
now on to the post -->
everything molly & you exchanged for the swap is LOVELY and so personal! i really like it. and as ALWAYS, i love all of the incoming and outgoing mail! i really respect you for being able to keep up with all of it. i feel so overwhelmed and i don't get nearly as much.
xo tiffany
I loved the stationary swap!! It was far too much fun and it looks like you got some amazing things, Molly is just delightful :)
I'm so happy you enjoyed the letter and I'm excited to get your reply once I move :) You've gotten some gorgeous mail this week- and sent out some equally gorgeous ones. I'm starting to love Mondays because of mail posts :)
Hurray my letter arrived! :)
I love the color green on that envelope you're sending in a needs to get here so I can use it at Lowes to get some paint! XD
thanks for the tip on sending some mail love to summers dad! just made a little deposit to the mailbox.
woah! luck duck! amazing can we trade mail boxes lol
Oh, I would love to send & receive such lovely mail!!!
so much wonderful and INSPIRING mail! I gotta get back into making more postcards now
You always send the cutest mail! I've been so inspired to write lately... maybe you'll be getting a little something soon :)
you send and receive the best mail ever ..i always look fwd to your postal updates :)
ooh, nice stationary swap! It was so nice to see my lil blog on your list of incoming and outgoing :)
Thanks sweetie!
I love the album as packaging idea!! how clever!! i'm going to have to try that sometime!!! ...but now...where's the vinyl? did you just have an empty album cover laying around????
I buy them at antique shops... they usually have so many for $2 at the most. I just find pretty covers and throw away the vinyl or use them for craft boards. They work REALLY great if you have something flat to send, like a photograph print. xo oh to have a record player still!
They are so cute and i do love them all. The craft
is one of the best. I wish I could buy them too.
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