a huge thank you to all our men and women of the armed services who don't get a day off of work today or may not enjoy a cook out.
there's one soldier i'm particularly thinking of.
he's serving his third year deployment in Iraq.
ever since he was little he dreamt of flying in helicopters.
today he is flying in black hawks, a brave gunner.
He isn't a soldier first when it comes to me...
He's my older brother Marco, who i miss more than words.
i can't wait for you to come home Marco!!! your family misses and loves you and Thanks God every day for keeping you safe for us. xoxo
(if you wrote my brother -- THANK-YOU-- he sent many of you sweet lovies American flags that flew over the Iraq sky. You can see this in the 2nd picture. All the photographs came from my brother's pictorial diary)
One of the truly amazing gifts blogging has ever given me is my best friend Marisa. (it's crazy isn't it, to think we've never met but we share so much of each other's lives. If i haven't talked to her in awhile, i miss her.)
I am constantly amazed at the beautiful connections i make through our blogging world. Many may just be on the "surface"-- we share in each other's good news and share in each other's hardships at the moment but there are few that you allow to see the real you. Claire is one of my dearest friends that gets me on such a level. She is one of those girls that i just know we could share cosmopolitans, laughs, and tears. This friendship is close to my heart.
as promised, i'm thrilled to show you the beautiful package she sent me earlier this week. Perhaps, you'll get an idea of how much she gets the real me. How similar we are.
from the top: i love brown paper strung packages (i also loved the box she used to hold everything-- a hot pink Betsey Johnson shoe box with hot pink duck tape -- why didn't i snap a shot of that?), the sweetest hand made card with a rediscovered Vogue article about an italian romance that reminded me so much of why italia holds a place in my heart, Claire's all-time favorite book, the prettiest anthro journal along with fabulous Texas notecards she ordered from one of her blog friends & etsy owner Michelle Hartney (love love love!), a gorgeous headband from her favorite San Francisco boutique she thought would look beautiful in my dark hair (i blushed Claire. What a lovely colour!), awesome mixed CDS that include music from Azure Ray, the Killers, Jeff Buckley, Leona Naess, Anna Terriheim, Belinda Carlisle, and of course this one + Salt water Taffy (this photo is one of the bad lighting ones but alas, i couldn't retake it cos i've already eaten my weight in them!), and this last photo...
this last photo and present from my dearest friend Claire really touched my heart.
i once told her that my favorite story is one that Hemingway was said to have written on a bet that he couldn't write a story using just six words.
the six words he wrote were: "For Sale: Baby Shoes, never worn."
these six words meant something to me.
someday, my baby is going to wear these cute little shoes from Claire and i'll know i made the right decision.
only someone who sees the real you could ever give such a gift.
Claire, i can't tell you how much everything meant to me. Your friendship is a blessing! and quite honestly, a relief. A relief that i have found another kindred heart. I adore you so!!! i can't wait til i send off your care package-- i am SO excited about it. ha xoxo
I know i haven't really kept up with my Sharing Sundays series... i'll be back to regular posting next week. But! really, this sunday i'm sharing my friend Claire because if you haven't visited her little corner of the internet Biocoastally, well then really you are missing out. Entertaining, Lovely, and changing the world in her carrie heels.
i so badly wanted to share what my dearest friend Clairesent me earlier this week. i realized frustrated that the photographs i took were not in the best lighting, so i'll have to take them again. i'll share tomorrow, promise!
here's a preview of how much claire and i are alike...
in this darling care package, Claire sent another round of THE BEST mixed cds. Each song she puts on these mixes... i have felt. I feel that much more connected to her knowing that the reason she can relate to them is nearly the same as mine.
one of the songs on said mix:
(i can't stop staring at how beautiful the singer is)
Mine & Claire's connection reminds me of a part in "Eat Pray Love" that i've dog eared:
He says, "I'm sorry, but I don't understand. Did you lose something today?"
But I'm still having trouble figuring out how to talk....
"It's about a love story, Giovanni. I had to say good-bye to someone today."
Then my hands are slapped over my eyes again, tears spraying through my clamped fingers. Bless his heart, Giovanni doesn't try to put a reassuring arm around me, nor does he express the slightest discomfort about my explosion of sadness. Instead, he just sits through my tears in silence, until I've calmed down. At which point he speaks with perfect empathy, choosing each word with care, saying slowly and clearly and kindly:
"I understand, Liz. I have been there."
-pg. 87
we have been there, me and Claire.
we are connected to each other because we have been there.
there are NO words to describe how fabulously excited i am to see the SATC sequel!!!! if i could go to a midnight showing tonight-- I WOULD. When the movie came out, i did go to one and you can bet i went crazyy early and was the first in line. We had cosmos at my house before and then headed to the theatre. As luck would have it, tomorrow on opening day is my darling fiancé's 35th birthday. As much as i would like to selfishly drag him to the opening with me-- well that's just it. It would be selfish. I am good at selfish, but alas, it's my husband-to-be's birthday.
Friday will have to be the day i wear these new j.crew italian heels of mine and watch my fashion muse.
someday, i'll own a pair of Manolo's, but for now i think these are fun and i'm pretty sure i said, "hello, lover" when i saw them.
This week's wish list is CARRIE INSPIRED.
Carrie Bradshaw on polyvore.com, manolo strappies, large cream peony flower corsage pin from bowsnblooms, carrie necklace, and of course her famous tutu skirt.
on one of our birthdays, my twinkie made me flower brooches of different color and sizes. She had our Pappa help her with the glue gun. The sweetest gift.
since most of you will probably see the film tomorrow- i will impatiently wait til after friday to discuss! i can't wait!!!! I've always been Team BIG, but i can't wait to see Aiden!
what are you wishing for this wednesday? come play on dinosaur toes.
He is the sexiest man alive, hands down. I have always thought so since i was ten and shamelessly i will admit that at 26, i'm still pretty teeny bopper about him. My darling fiance was reading Ozzy's biography and laughed cos there was a picture of Robbie and Ozzy & had to show me (i think i kissed his picture in Max's book a couple of times).
a brief look at said commitment:
a year out of college, i moved in with some girlfriends and the first gift from twinkie was his calendar. Shameless, remember? i mean look at my grin.
in 1999, i was 16 and my dream came true when i got to see the man of my dreams perform. He was trying to break America with "the ego has landed" tour. What i wouldn't have given to have been older & had a digital camera.
there's my hand... what am i reaching for? cheeky!
let it be said that at this concert, robbie williams took the bra i was wearing from my hand and swung it onstage during his last number. Unreal!
so you see, this love affair has lasted through my adulthood.
Which is why it made me giggle when my friend John emailed me this story. Did you hear Britney Spears has taken over Ashton Kutcher's twitter crown? She was answering questions from fans and one asked who she would most like to do a duet with.
She said: "Would love to do a duet with Robbie Williams." She then appeared to issue a come and get me plea to the singer, tweeting: "Where are you? lol."
i died! who would have thought she'd say my man?! i especially love it because twinkie is a HUGE Britney fan. Huge. We've seen Brit Brit in concert twice, she loves her so much. It would be AWESOME to see the loves of our life perform together!!!
Frida tea towel from LoudMouse. I fell in love with it when i saw it on etsy and even more so from her product description: "buy Frida on a tea towel and quit feeling sorry for yourself! After all it is unlikely that you had your body pierced by a pole in a freak streetcar accident or that your sister had a child with the love of your life. If any of the aforementioned IS true of you, convo me- we need to talk about putting Your image on a tea towel."
Sugar for our coffee. I got this gem at a garage sale with my gf Katy.
show two things you love in your home at BacWoods Fern.
wow... how many of you absolutely loved the LOST finale last night? amazing. beautiful. my favorite part? sawyer and the candy machine...
i still can't believe it's the end.
^oh Janette, you make my heart SWOON once again with another sexy Robbie Williams postcard! i met Nettie through postcrossing (she lives in Germany) & we've taken to exchanging postcards still. Isn't it a neat way to get to know someone? she outdid herself again with this beautiful man i have loved since i was 10!
^i always get the cutest handmade postcards from L. Scott
^i won one of lovely rhianne's generous giveaways during polaroid week: this gorgeouspolaroid carnival set from my favourite Diana of City Light on etsy (seriously, i've always been a huge fan! my christmas cards last year all came from her etsy. I'm a City Light groupie) Diana, where oh where did you get the deer tape?! i love it and NEED some. Rhianne, thank you sweet girl for hosting another amazing giveaway!
^another new pen pal Tesra who in her first letter to me said, "i stumbled upon your blog and was working up the courage to write you." Is she not the cutest thing? She sent me along a "cute" (no pun intended) compact mirror, gift bag + tissue paper & a postcard from Michigan. Expect some happy mail your way this week. xo
^another fabulous giveaway win from Caroline. I adore a new book to read and especially those that mean something to another person. I'm sure Max hopes i will learn something too *wink Thank you so much Caroline!!! x
my favourite postcrossings this week:
^Marilyn from Idaho / Vintage Lufthansa airlines ad from Germany
(i've flown Lufthansa before, so i esp. liked this one)
^a thank-you to Cynthia for surprising me with her copy of the book French Milk / thank-you to Kellie (fellow Texan living in Canada)
^the lovely Bianca got my letter so i can show you what i sent. The stripped socks reminded me of her (and Big Bird as i joked with her *wink) & i loved how she took a picture wearing them! if you want to see beautiful mail art, you should def. check out her page.
^postcrossing to japan from an etsy purchase of postcards made out of old vinyl covers.
my M texted me to say she got my little "i love my bestie" package:
(this card totally made me think of Marisa)
i made her a copy of le CDs. (Max asked me what the "B" stood for... i said "bestie"... duh!)
^a vintage tin that reminded me of her (she loves Austen and period pieces when it comes to films) & when i bought these for my j.crewness giveaway, i got M a necklace too.
i also sent letters to Cait & Steph but my darling fiance mailed them for me before i could snap a pic. (isn't he a sweetheart though?)
ALSO... got a very special package from Claire. She had said she was sending me something that was a little me, a little her, a little us. She couldn't have been more right! for that, this exchange deserves it's own post. Claire, you're some kind of wonderful! xoxo