micaela was one of the first ladies i was attracted to in the crazy and wonderful world of blogging. we began around the same time--you can find me at the wild and wily ways of a brunette bombshell--and it has been such a joy to watch her flourish and grow--to marry the love of her life and honor that commitment each day in such a joyous and bold way.
i was so honored when she asked me to participate in this series and i only hope that what offer lives up to the all the wonderful women who have shared their hearts before me.
so here goes nothing...
a picture:

this picture was taken this last summer by one of my oldest friends and good lord was he making me laugh!
i've struggled a lot over the years with having my photo taken, but this has to be one of my favorites. because it's so not about vanity. i look at that photo and think, yeah, i'm happy there. and because i look at it and see that i'm happy, i then look and fall in love with my veiny forehead, my mole-peppered arms, and the way my nose crinkles when i snort.
a poem:
a song:
(so hard to choose, but this go round, let's go with this one)
a quote:
I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once.
John Green
an item of clothing:
i got this rain coat when i was fifteen and about to head out on a two week tour of munich, salzburg, and then lucerne. over the years it has weathered quite a bit with me. i almost threw it out just a few years ago-- it was looking a little worn, but i couldn't bring myself to do it. there's too much history there. and thing is, end of the day, when it's raining, it still does the job.
a place:
i don't have a picture for this one, so bear with me. a place? well, i'm in park city, utah right now. slowly, over time this place has begun to feel like home. it is a respite. a haven. the place i came as a child with my family and fell in love with the mountains. where i learned to ski and learned the power of the sport. now as my parents toy with idea of one day settling here, i find myself rooting for this, because it already feels like home. there are roots to this place. but really, the end of the day, home--a place--is with people. and family, well, that's all there is.
but when all else fails and i'm feeling a little blue...i'll take a bathtub any day of the week!
tub image
i always adore anything written by this heart. a good heart it is indeed. xx
i LOVE these "heart" posts. they're so absolutely lovely and lets us get to know the blogger in a different way ;)
I got so excited when I saw Meg was doing one of these . . . cause I knew it would resonate with me. :) I love Kim Addonizio's poems. I always teach her sonnet, "First Poem for You," in my poetry class at San Quentin. If you don't know it, you should look it up--one of my favorites. She's local here in the Bay Area and quite a force of nature. Also, that picture of you laughing is exquisite. :)
Always love to read anything Meg writes...
I found out about your "heart" series from Meg's blog, and I love the idea of these posts. Following!
I stumbled onto your blog from Meg's. Your heart series was great! Thank you for showing us a little piece of all your fav blogger's hearts.
I love love love this series. It was such a great idea, and it's amazing how much you can say about yourself with so little. I'll confess, I borrowed this for my blog. I couldn't resist. Gave you credit, of course, though :)
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