it's been entirely too long since a happy mail post has been written on Dolce Vita. Forgive me lovies! (this post is already going to be entirely long, so forgive me for bulking a lot of mail together) I can't even begin to tell you how grateful i was to be welcomed home by so many lovely letters of support and kindness. Lovies, you truly are sunshine, never forget it!
^i loooove each book she sent!
^her beautiful photographs, which you can find on her etsy
^she always sends the most beautiful mailings. case & point: these awesome postcards (the blue is a wooden block)
^ collage from Shelly (i LOVED your letter), art postcard from Cynthia (love the van gogh!), 1st letter in the brown from Courtney, Zoe's is in back of hers (you can see the full image on her blog- included some yummy flavored chapstick!), ice cream (one of my faves from Diana) from Carrie Marie, Lyon postcard from Ria, Belle & Boo/b&w postcards from L. Nicole, cupcakes from Erin, and Robot stamped envelope from sweet little Miguelito & Kary
^backside of Erin's envelope, italian postcard from Janette in Germany (who knows how much i love robbie williams and italy), letter from my real life friend (that sounds silly but you know what i mean!) Courtney, another sweet letter from Carrie Marie, Lean Forward into Your Life book & the most kindest card from Mrs. Happy Mail herself, Jamie (i can't wait to be inspired. thank you my darling for sending this beautiful book to me in TX when i needed it), thriller book about twins from CW & her sweet card
^GORGEOUS necklace & always fun letter from GORGEOUS & fun Tillie
^pretty collages from Phoenix Peacock. When my life was upside down, she wrote this post just for me. How much do i adore her? a lot!
^speaking of peacocks, pretty Farah sent me these all the way from Malaysia, reminding me that true love does prevail- and just because she was sure of it, she sent me the peacock hair pin (just like carrie wore when she was marrying Big) i might have cried.
^Ria sent me a perfect package from the country i love (and where she gets to call home) Italia. The minnie pasta is so cute (as was her packaging). It meant a lot to me because she sent it to TX with hopes of cheering me up. Ria, you completely did!!! grazie xo
^Amazing Frida card from Blanca (i could never thank you enough for sharing your story with me. You touched my heart!)
^love from my twinkie when she was in the Windy City
^so you already know Claire is one of the loves of my life. She sent me a "cheer micaela up" package when i was in TX (her card said, "since i can't take you out for drinks..." i just love her). The most loveliest decor about compassion, seriously one of my favorite bath & body works aromatherapy scented bath foam, TX stickers, and another one of her great CD mixes of old school favorites. Thanks to her, i'm also a proud owner of Down & Out Chic's hair pins which i loved putting in my nieces hair when they were visiting.
^another fun mixed tape, this time from my Coody Bug! J of Life is a college girlfriend and if you know her (which you should! another love of my life), you know she lives & breaths music. She sent me her favorite covers. Jess, when my life was upside down, i couldn't stop listening to this one over and over. It just fit so perfectly.
^my Texas themed package from the beautiful Faiza : TX maps and pins, and two fabulous rings she made herself. love love love!
^parcel from Heike in Germany filled with stationary goodness- danke!!!
^the cutest froggy stationary from Belen (enjoyed the fake mustaches seestur! MUST send you a photo of me & max with them lol)
and finally, my favorite Postcrossings:
^from Belarus (image says love me or leave)
^of course i love this Klimt! from the Netherlands
^TX postcard to Claire, a little Texas love to my fellow TX + Bestie M, vacuum postcard to Carrie M, Courtney, thank-you card to Blanca, & a postcrossing
^parcel for Ria
this part of the post is called my handmade : a lot of postcrossings i was assigned to preferred handmade cards (and i'm one to always try and pay attention to what postcards people enjoy best- seriously, it's like a fun challenge for me to find one that applies. For instance the Neil Patrick Harris one you'll see later-- who would have known he was such a big star in the Czech Republic? though I didn't have one laying around of him, i instantly flipped through my PEOPLE magazines to find a photo to make one)
^going to Slovenia
^going to the Netherlands
^going to Kansas

this one is another one for her made on a piece of cardboard:
(back) ^my theme was "the reader"
^my collage card reply to Phoenix
^my reply to Zoe + postcrossings
^since Summer already got my letter, here's the postcards i sent her (she had just joined Postcrossing & asked me about places to get postcards & because i think she's candy sweet, i surprised her with postcards that reminded me of her- i can't think of Mrs. Brown without thinking of mustaches! illustrated one above is by Super Duper)

^circle package going to Germany for Heike, letter to my twinkie's bff Stephanie (miss you!!!) & reply to Belen
sorry for the novella, but i had to catch up!
as Phyllis Theroux said, "To send a letter is a good way to go somewhere without moving anything but your heart."
(inbound/outbound tags made by Justine Miller, inspired by Bianca)
Oh my. That is A LOT of mail!
Hope it filled your heart as much as it did your mailbox!
I'm in love with your postcard inspired by "The Reader"...that is one of my favorite books and movies. You create such lovely pieces.
What a lovely collection of goodies. Gives me some extra motivation to get that note out to my pen pal this week!
Oh fun, that is alot of lovely mail!! :)
Micaela what wonderful mail! I am glad that this was all waiting for you to cheer you up, isnt it lovely to know so many people care about you. The postcards you made are lovely.
I LOVE THESE POSTS so much. When I read them, I want to sit at my coffee table all night and create sweet letters (primarily to you! haha). Also, I of course loved my Texas postcard, my darling . . . what a little day-brightener. :) I'm so impressed with the postcards you created, and you're such a kind postcrossing partner to pay so much attention to what people really love.
What I'm really struck by is how much everyone adores you (not that I'm surprised, in the least)--it's amazing how many hearts were broken when our Micaela was so sad.
I saw Louis Cannizzaro again!!!!! xoxoxo
Oh my goodness! That was the most epic mail post ever! I can't get over all the wonderful mail you received and sending out.
You are truly blessed with great friends because you are also so thoughtful with your parcels and letters.
I hope you get mine soon :)
what a delicious post! like candy for my eyes!
love your inbound, outbound tags and i laughed out loud when you said "my real life friend" because i know what you meant.
and the postcards you created are lovely and thoughtful and full of the love that you share so readily.
wishing you a gorgeous week ahead!
you always have the most amazing looking mail! sorry it has taken me forever to reply - i promise something will be off to you this week!
i LOVE the package from L. Nicole!!!!!!! i love covering packages in stamps and hers is awesome! :D
Your handmade pretties are a delight! And you are blessed with wonderful friends so willing to cheer your heart when it is sad. Cherish them, won't you?
I've decided I must get myself a mini pasta magnet too. They do a whole range of miniature well known Italian brands from toilet and kitchen roll to olive oil and baking powder. I may go overboard and buy one of each... one day, when I'm rich ;)
wow, I love your mail posts - I wish I had more time to send some!
I sent you something :) You'll have to let me know when it arrives, teehee!
p.s. you got a david eddings book, I heart David Eddings!
Micaela, that is one whole lot of mail! Your post box must be groaning under the constant weight!
oh m! you send and receive the most beautiful things ever. my postcards were wonderful and selfishly i wanted to keep them for myself but i did not. i have something for you but i feel it needs more oooump before sending out.
Love you, sweetie!! It's interesting that the cover of "Say It Ain't So" was so vital to you... a few weeks ago your twinkie told me she listened to it over and over after hearing it on my blog. I love the little ironies of life. :)
And while I hate that I didn't get to see you while you were home, I'm happy you're back with your heart in Virginia. Next time, my dear. Pinkie Swear.
Wow... I love your handwork especially the collage you send to phoenix!
Mail is such a beautiful thing!
lovely collection :) I love all the different designs - you must feel so excited to get them
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