Friday, November 12, 2010

dear [ insert your name ] ,


xo me

i am so busy lately with work, trying to catch up on love letters / swaps / and most of all, planning an exciting and magical trip back home to texas for thanksgiving (i can not wait to be home!!!) ! 

i've missed you all and promise to catch up soon. happy friday!!!

ps. this is how cute my darling fiance is... he noticed i was semi-close to 500 followers and was happy for me. 

text to me: "we should have a 500 celebration, maybe you could do a giveaway." 

how cute is he? knowing how much my little corner of the internet means to me. i was telling twinkie how i can still remember when i reached 20 followers and how awesome and thankful i was then.  

i'm thinking of borrowing this idea from Camilla and putting together a box of my favourite things as a giveaway to celebrate how far my dolce vita has come. 

because one of my favorite things is blogging and getting to know all of you. i'm lucky i have a husband-to-be who gets that and presented a fabulous idea!

(images here)


Amanda said...

so sweet that your hubby not only reads your blog but checks out your followers! What a man :)

what can we do to help you reach 500?

Claire Kiefer said...

Okay so ummmm . . . that is PRECIOUS that he said "we should have a 500 celebration, maybe a giveaway!" OMG! He's a darling. You know I love the boys who understand blogging! And, you know how grateful I am for your blog. My goodness. We've discussed this.

Can't wait to get special items in the mail to you!!!

Jessica Coody said...

I'm amazed/thrilled that I have over 25 followers... 500 is HUGE!! :) Congratulations to you, my dear!
SO- how long will you be in Texas? You KNOW we must meet up - (maybe at Toby's, like old times!) while you are home!!
love you!

Katyha said...

Isn't he the sweetest! following you now and hopefully you will reach 500 soon ;)

AmericanBridget (Jones) said...

Love that! Your fiance sounds like a great catch too. Do they clone people like him? I'm just starting my blogging days and hoping that one day I can have a little corner of the interwebs too!

Congrats on being almost there and like Amanda said, what can we do to help you get there?


CarrieMarie said...

yep, you & the max are super cute! and oh my heck, SO HAPPY you are planning a trip to TX for Thanksgiving!!!!! definitely something to be thankful for!


Erin {pughs' news} said...

Texas for Thanksgiving? Hurrah!!! So happy for you. Looking forward to catching up on Skype v. soon. In the meantime, sending you great big hugs!

I'm so glad for your blog- look how many friends it has brought together from all over the world...


Anonymous said...

too cute. i think i have asked before, but DOES HE HAVE A BROTHER???!!!! hehe

Emily's Moose - Karolina Kubikowska said...

Dear I understand that you're busy! And it is a wonderful idea to celebrate the 500 followers :)


Cassie said...

That is one gorgeous man you have there Micaela! My husband always reads my blog and I find it funny that he knows I have comments even before I do sometimes!

Great giveaway idea too!

Amelia said...

luck you and I look forward to seeing the give-away :)


Geisslein said...

you two are soooo cute together!
happy weekend for you!!!!
xo geisslein

Faiza said...

i am so excited that you get to go home for thanksgiving!!!!

and not surprised at all that you are close to 500 followers. not with all the love and light you share!

Anna said...

it's seriously sweet that your fiance reads and appreciates your blog! i love it!

i hope your planning for your texas trip is going well! i know our state misses your pretty little self!

Marisa said...

Amazing!!! I remember the beginning. Best thing blogging ever gave me was happening upon you blog.... as you know!

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