Monday, January 3, 2011

Guest Post: My Heart, Marisa @ ... or so i feel

Hello it's Marisa from ...or so i feel. I hope this finds you all recovered from your New Years celebrations and looking forward to what 2011 has in store... It's amazing when I think it has only been a year and half since Micaela and I exchanged our first blog comments. I feel like we have been through a lifetime of ups and downs and quite frankly I can't imagine what my life was like without her in it. She truly is my soul mate.  I am so thrilled that she and her Darling new Husband are back in Texas, closer to her amazing family. And was so excited that she asked me to guest post and with such a fun format.

"With as much creativity as you can muster, show your heart in: a picture, a poem, a song (or piece of music), a quote, an item of clothing, and a place."

a picture:
my angel,  she may be in her teens (14 tomorrow)but she is still the best thing I ever did.

a poem:

"They who are near me do not know that you are nearer to me than they are.
 Those who speak to me do not know that my heart is full with your unspoken words.
 Those who crowd in my path do not know that I am walking alone with you.
 They who love me do not know that their love brings you to my heart." ~ R. Tagore

a song: these lyrics... i just can't find the words.

a quote: I had to do two.

"You were once wild here, Don't let them tame you." 
~ Isadora Duncan

"If we wait for the moment when everything, absolutely everything is ready, we shall never begin."
~ Ivan Turgene

a piece of clothing: I am loving these and want one for myself ...
a place:  Scotland... I can not tell you how much I would love to wake up in the morning in a little cottage by the water, watching as the fog lifts.  It is the place right out of most of my dreams.


Jessica Coody said...

Of course, I adore your song choice ;)
And that first quote- I've loved that quote for so very long. Wonderful choice!!

Claire Kiefer said...

Marisa--your daughter's hair is exquisite. Is that what it looks like naturally? I am green with envy! She's a stunner for sure. :)

These have been so much fun to read, haven't they? I love your quotes. And Isadora Duncan in general. <3

April said...

Scotland is so wonderful! definitely make it happen.

Micaela said...

oh my soul mate... your heart is just like mine.

i've already written those quotes in my journal, thank you!

kenzie's birthday is tomorrow? your pretty girl is growing! i love that no matter what happens, no matter how many glorious faults we both have-- you can say with confidence that you've done one thing right. i can't wait til one day i know what that love is like.

scotland is heavenly, but ITALY first bestie! ;)

love you love you love you

MArisa said...

J - I knew you would love the song choice.

Claire... her hair is natural. I too am envious.

April.. You've been?

M- Always Italy first.. but I will save that for our trip that is GOING to happen. xoxo

Marz said...

You ARE Micaela's soul mate! I knew that all along, but seeing your heart so similar to hers just confirms it!

Your darling girl is just so beautiful!!!! Give her a hug for me and wish her a very happy birthday for me!!! xo

I love, love, love the poem and quotes you shared! You always have the best ones that always move me! I am going to keep those in my collection for sure.

We MUST make our trip happen. London has been CONSTANTLY on my mind. Let's PLEASE make it happen! Scotland for you, London for me and Italy for both you and twinkie :) It will be magical!


Erin {pughs' news} said...

I love Emma Watson in that Burberry coat...

Your daughter is gorgeous, Marisa. I've read your blog and know what a lovely girl she is, too. No wonder you're so proud!

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