first and foremost, today is my husband's birthday! i am so glad he was born to one day become my life's blessing. he has to work today, so these gifts and a birthday pie will be waiting for him.
picking up my bridesmaid dress for my little seester's wedding in july (excuse the wrinkles and my non-matching shoes but this is the photo i sent seesters, so it was right after i picked it up!) *see twinkie in her dress here.

i fell in love with Kylie's hand made pillow cases and giggled when she said that lately she's been up to, "stichin and bitchin." Gorgeous, no?
and of course this... !!! & after last night's Chicago Bulls loss to the Heat... hello rematch! i've already started praying.
also... i've loved reading all your answers to my wanting to know you post.
playing along with summer b.
more photos of husband's birthday celebration later... though i can't compete with the Mac he got me for my birthday, i got him some pretty rad stuff from etsy that i can't wait to show off! is your boyfriend/husband hard to shop for like mine?
Happy Friday Lovies and HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS to my darling husband!!!
Happy Birthday to your husband! spoil him today yeah some more!!
I love your Sophia's chocolaty face. Happy weekend xoxo
Happy birthday Max!! The picture of Sophia is absolutely adorable . . . everyone in your family is so pretty. Happy Friday and birthday celebration! Today is my grandma's birthday too . . . a day for special people. :)
Happy Birthday Max! Oh how we adore your husband just like we love you, Mrs Micaela!
Your niece is such a cutie pie! I can't wait to see some of my nieces and nephews this summer.
yay! happy birthday to your hubby! i love when recipes come out just right!
and those pillow cases are soo dreamy!
Happy birthday to your husband! I hope you two have a great weekend, love.
happy birthday to your hubby! i hope that you have a wonderful weekend celebrating!
that dress is fantastic! love the color.
Happy Birthday dear Max!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy birthday to you!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ahhh!! Wishing Max a wonderful birthday full of lots of happiness, love and delicious cake!!!
You look beautiful my wonderful sister, but you always do!! That color looks beautiful on you and Marz - I love your dresses!!
Sophia is adorable - she is a cutie pie, tan bella!!
I love those pillow cases :)
I love you more than outer space and french fries xoxoxo
a happiest birthday indeed to a fellow FSU alum, we've got to stick together here ;) what kind of bday pie is he getting?
Sorry for the outburst there, haha
that dress is beautiful!
that is, hands down, one of the best bridesmaid dresses i've ever seen. i saw it, thought: i love that dress. i muss have it. then saw that it was a bridesmaids dress. umm. so pretty, flattering...well done to your sister.
oh yeah, happy birthday to max!!!
Happy Birthday to your husband!! (Even though I believe I'm a day late.) And your dress looks beautiful!!
happy birthday to max! what a wonderful end to the week. can't wait to see and read all about your little sister's wedding! how fun!
hope your weekend is just as happy!
Aww, what sweet birthday parcels!
Yes, mine is super hard to buy for!! I try to come up with things throughout the year so I don't panic in November/December. His birthday and Christmas (and our anniversary!) are MUCH too close together!!
sweet, happy bird day to you great hubby and have a ball at your seesta wedding.
Happy, happy birthday to your husband! I hope he had a great day!
I love that bridesmaid dress. Such a pretty colour. When's the wedding?
x Jasmine
PS. Mr LG is really hard to buy presents for too!
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