more than anything your note really touched my heart. xo

i'm eating another one as I ponder the book I just finished from Audrey Niffenneger.
truth be told, it took awhile to get into it but i was soon hooked and curious about each of her characters. Most interesting to me was that it was about twins.
Of course nothing can compare to her first novel and my favorite book of all ("The Time Traveler's Wife") but "Her Fearful Symmetry" is creative and original... dark and clever, just as her first best-seller was.

"Afterwards she stood with her eyes closed, lips parted, face tilted. Robert thought, She's going to break my heart and I'm going to let her." -pg 208
"Julia thought him beautiful, though she knew it was the beauty of damage."
- pg 216
ps. i'm amazed by this blogging world of ours and cherish my friendships with all of you! I still want to share what sweet parcels/birthday cards were waiting for me when i returned from Texas so perhaps Monday i'll do a Mail Time Monday like Belen.
and i hope to bring back my Sharing Sundays tomorrow. I feel out of routine since my birthday holiday. Enjoy your Saturdays lovies! xoxo
(thanks Anna, for making mine!)
Doesn't getting mail just make your day? Also, you've totally made me want to read that book, Her Fearful Symmetry! I just sat outside on this gorgeous symmetry and finished Drown by Junot Diaz, author of one of MY favorite books, The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao. Reading outside is so delightful . . .
happy saturday!!
Your postie's come on Saturdays?
Oh my goodness that is such a beautiful thing for someone to do! I still need to read time travellers wife, hopefully soon.
Claire, I'm going to have to check that book out and you're absolutely right-- reading out in the sunshine is bliss! it's so funny that it's in the 70's here but back where my family is in Texas it's snowing!
Megan, YES you NEED to read "The Time Traveler's Wife" for sure!!! and yes, the postie comes on saturday but closes early too (i think like noon? where as on mon-fri it's until 5). Do you not get mail on saturday?
oh how sweet!!! that is so so nice...
and i still need to read that book...i will i promise. i have it by my bed {along with like 10 other books...ah so many books so little time} but i promise you i will read it!!!!!
Happy Saturday dearest Micaela!!!
im dying to read the Time travelers wife!!! such nice blog friends you have :)
wow. those two quotes from that book really made me want to read it.
i keep wanting to see the time traveler's wife but i know i should read the book first!
annnnd those brownies are ridiculous.
I absolutely love both of those books! They are both so different. I am so annoyed when people say they don't understand Time Traveler's Wife, or that they just can't follow it. It made perfect sense to me! I loved Her Fearful Symmetry too. It was full of surprises.
What a special thing for someone to do... but I am quickly learning what a sweet & wonderful person you are - you deserve special, thoughtful friends!
Happy weekend to you! xx
Oooohhh yummm! I had a rather frivolous amount of borownies yesterday, too! I don't like chocolate cake as it isn't chocolatey enough, but browines take chocolate just far enough to be sliceable, without taking away any of the chocolatey awesomeness!!
Yum, those brownies look delish! I read Her Fearful Symmetry in January and while I liked the first part of the book, I was a bit disappointed with the ending. I think The Time Traveler's Wife is a more even book, and it happens to be one of my all-time favorites -- the ending never fails to make me cry. :)
Thanks for the book review! I think I'm going to check that one out.
Annie, i completely agreed with the ending. I am a twin and could not fathom it... but i can appreciate how different it was.
i would so love to discuss books with you!
Krissa, I am the same way... i thought, i NEED to read "Eat Pray Love" after seeing the trailer but I have "Glass Castle" and then a book called "Don't Move" ALREADY in line :) I'm reading "The Glass Castle" now after my sweet blog friend Carolyn sent it to me after reading my review on "Half Broke Horses." Seriously, my blog friends are the bestest :) including you!
a girl who loves to read? sexy, in my book... no pun intended ;) xoxoxo
I love love LOVED The Time Traveler's Wife, so I'll definitely have to check out this book as well! I'll add it to my list of summer reading :)
Awe that's so sweet. So many people love you, including me! I made brownies too this weekend, I was good and only had one!
oh micaela! i'm so so glad you liked them!
i think i'm going to have to put this book on my amazon list!
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