Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Ornament Swap!

can you believe it's already that time of year again? this year marks the third year of hosting the ornament exchange on my dolce vita and i couldn't be more thrilled! 

getting to spread Christmas joy and connecting with another blogger is my favorite. 

to join: 

* email me, micaela.maxhamATgmail.com with subject line: ORNAMENT SWAP! 

* include your postal address + blog link (also indicate if you can't send overseas)

* cut off date is Nov. 11th {i'll try and get everyone partnered by Nov. 14th; ornaments will be mailed out by Nov. 26th}

* ornaments can be bought/vintage/hand-made... whatever you fancy but $10 is the max spend amount because i know it's about to get crazy with holiday shopping. Please put some thought into your ornament-- check out your partner's blog and see what her style is etc. 

* DO include a Christmas card for your person. Tell them your favorite Christmas quote, song, or why you chose the ornament for them. 

Have fun with this! snap a photo of your ornament sent/received so we can share them on our blogs (i love the actual exchanges and showcase them). 

via corner mouse house

feel free to use the button on my sidebar lovies! i hope you'll join- the more the merrier!!! xo


Karina Pacheco said...

Yay! 'Tis the season to be jolly, Fa la la la la la la la la......

So you know I'm in, of course!!! Never any doubt! I'm rambling so you know I must be excited! I will post about it tomorrow when I post my first Christmasy post :)

I love you xoxoxo

Karina Pacheco said...

P.S. I'm super excited to be the first one to sign up! I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that you told me that it would be up today, and that I've been sitting in front of my computer all morning waiting for this post! Nope it has nothing to do with that little fact, plus it's a lie. Hey and what took you so long sister!!! Tsk....tsk...

Claire said...

ooo i want to do this!!!! I love Christmas SO MUCH!!!! :) (i got your postcard today! Love it! I've never read the Dracula books, he scared me big time when I was a kid!

Anonymous said...

yay! that should be a lot of fun. hopefully it gets a lot of bloggie swap partners. xoxo

Erin {pughs' news} said...

You KNOW how I feel about your ornament swap! It fills my heart with Christmas joy :) And so... I am signing up right this second. Yay!

I actually put on the Christmas music this morning and am listening to it while I write you a letter and tackle the laundry. Bing Crosby makes me feel happy, even on the lousiest of days.

Right now it's "Have yourself a merry little Christmas"... and the line is "Next year all our troubles will be out of sight." Oh, how I hope so.

Lots of love and jingly bells,
E xoxoxo

Claire Kiefer said...

Sooooo sorry I didn't email you back about this, but everything sounded great & obviously I can't wait to participate. :) Love you!

Leesh said...

I would love to join this ornament swap but I won't be putting up a tree (obviously you know I will be away for Christmas) this year. Plus, I have exhausted my swap quota for the year. I am so upset that it cost me over $15 this morning to mail out two scarves (and that is within Canada).

Anyway, I hope to join in the fun next year if you host it again. Good luck and have fun sweetie!

ginna said...

Christmas is coming!! So excited to participate this year and meet other awesome bloggers like yourself! Thanks for putting this together :)

Erin Cox said...

Count me in!! I'm so excited for this year's swap.... i had way too much fun last year, how could i not join in on the fun again? :)

Jenn(ie) said...

I just found this through Ginna at My Pretty Pennies and it sounds great! Will be emailing you!

Carrie said...

Count me in! I'll send you my info in an email now!

CarrieMarie said...

YAY!!!! : ) Even after my disasterous post office incident mailing my last swap giftie, i am excited for this swap!! : )

April said...


Belen said...


Ro said...

I'm so excited to be a part of this <3

Faiza said...

bonjour! so i don't have a christmas tree to decorate BUT if you find that you have an odd # of people participating in this swap, please do let me know. i'd be happy to send a little something over to pretty up someone else's tree.


Lauryn said...

Hooray! I've met three amazing bloggers through this swap: you, Erin and Kim! I can't wait to see who I'm paired with this time :)

Rhianne said...

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! I can't actually believe its this time again, but so excited, its my favourite blog tradition :)

sheba said...

so exciting!!!

nicole mountz said...

finally joined today! and added a little post about it:)

Alycia said...

I just sent you an email! I am so excited for this and plan to blog about it tomorrow to bring more swappers :)

Jenna said...

So excited about this! I heard about it from the lovely Alycia at The Curious Pug. I will send you an email now. PS - I'm a new follower now...woo hoo!

Elise said...

Yay! I love Christmas and I'm super excited about this swap. Emailing info shortly:)

Bows and Sparrows said...

Brilliant idea! Just sent you an email.

jana said...

i just signed up for this!! it sounds like such fun!!


Pria said...

I missed this last year but I'm in .. sending you the details ..

Anonymous said...

Aww only just seen this - but what a wonderful idea this is!!

I love Christmas baubles- and actually have a bottle and bauble party to decorate the tree each year.

Hope you're well - Houdinix

Mrs.B said...

LOL...missed it again! Great idea and I love it...think I will go do one of these on my blog.


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