(summer months, i can not wait for you)

maverick asking to play in the snow.

Today was a pretty day... A kind of sunday that calls for staying in your pajamas. The kind of Sunday that calls for grilled cheese and tomato soup.
"Come up to meet you,
tell you I'm sorry
You don't know how lovely you are.
I had to find you, tell you I need you,
Tell you I set you apart."
Marion Cotillard. Embodies every reason i wish i was french.
Jen Aniston. I fell in love with her even more after Brad Pitt. I saw grace. There's something humble about her.
"There is nothing you can control about love. Somebody once said, Everything you want in the world is just outside your comfort zone." - her interview in Vogue.
Shannyn Sossamon. beauty & style. i wish i saw her in more films.
Sienna Miller. I loved her Bardot look in "Alfie." If i could have anyone's wardrobe, it would be hers. (and her freckles)
boy crushes:
Robbie Williams. Hands down, i have coveted him since i was ten and he was in a british boyband. Darling Fiance already knows he would lose this battle (i kid, but he does). I love him & fear i will always be teeny bopper about him. If you've never heard of him, check out his song "Feel." It's one of my faves.
Jude Law. Bad boy meets Metro. Alfie / The Holiday.
Clive Owen. i think he would make one hell of a Bond.
James McAvoy. Atonement. Becoming Jane. Me and twinkie fight over him. There's something so regular about him... and my DF reminds me most of him.
Robert Pattinson. OF COURSE. Never before have i ever wished for a fictional vampire. He plays the part so well. Our modern version of James Dean.
who do you fancy?
ps. Johnny Depp should have been on my list. Especially after this video... this video i could watch 10x in a row.