i couldn't believe he bought us a suite for valentines day. The thing is, I would have been fine with just a movie, or the sweet card and roses he gave me. But this is our first Valentines as engaged people so Max wanted to do something special for us.
a couple of weeks ago when we were talking about ideas, he suggested a weekend in D.C.
we loved the capital last time we were there but i still wanted a smallish celebration, so i suggested a local bed & breakfast.
and although Craddock Terry is not my quaint vision of a b&b, i was terribly excited when Max told me my surprise last night.
i have the best valentine!
and if i forget to tell you later, Max i had a wonderful time with you- my forever valentine. xo
ps. i can't wait to see how your valentine weekends went! i promise to visit when we get back. off to pack... SO.EXCITED.
Wow! You extra lucky lady. Hope you have a fabulous time - it looks divine! Think I have been an 'old-married' for too young now! xx
Oh, how wonderful! It's so much fun to get away overnight, isn't it? Hope you have a lovely, romantic time... Lucky girl. You deserve it!
He's such a sweetheart. Most guys don't have a clue about these things.
Luck you. :)
Such a sweetie, have a wonderful time!!
the craddock terry is absolutely beautiful!!! Enjoy your time :)
so sweet...
I love the reference "in case I forget to tell you I had a wonderful time".... Pretty Woman (i have always adored that)
this is extremely adorable!
how wonderful is he!?
hope it was the best!
that sounds so fun. hope it was amazing :)
how sweet and romantic!!
have fun :)
i LOVE historic hotels!!! my hubs knows its a thing w/ me and surprised me the christmas before last with taking me to NYC and staying at the waldorf! they just have SUCH character and an awesome feel to them. what a FUN valentines day!!! your boy done good ;)
ahh i hope you have a GREAT weekend! sounds perfect!
You lucky lady! My boyfriend and I are not very romantic people, but maybe we should make more of an effort. A night in a boutique hotel sounds lovely! xx
Have a wonderful time lovely, you deserve a special valentines day.
OOO, la la! how wonderful!!! what a sweetie you have there! have fun!!
What a great guy! That sounds like such a romantic way to celebrate love day!
How fun and romantic! I hope you two are having the best time...I am quite sure you are! xo
Aw...how SWEET of him! Have a great time - it looks like a nice place!
You lucky girl, you! I want to stay in that hotel because it's so pretty, but it's hard to pry myself away from home to stay in a hotel in the same city! I'm glad you two had a romantic Valentine's Day!
AW!!! you two are so stinkin' cute!! i love it!
i'm glad you had such a special valentine's day as an engaged couple! the hotel looks so charming and just fabulous!
hope you two had a wonderful time!! (i'm assuming you had a great time!!)
oooh!!! Go Maxy-poo! haha
Hope you have a lovely time! ;)
wow...how awesome!!!! it looks like a beautiful place!
looks amazing! hes so sweet!
p.s. you need to check out this blog. seriously. im not kidding.
i adore it. (not like i'm creeper or anything)
ahh, so sweet! i desperately wanted to get away for the weekend- just for one night, but too busy- yet again :(
but, nevertheless, we had a great day. by the way...you won our giveaway! congrats!!
wow what a wonderful valentine you have; this seems perfect for your newly engaged selves! i really love that you call him your forever valentine!
You lucky girl! Have a wonderful time!!! You deserve it!
such a lovely and romantic idea, such a cute husband to be, such a cute texas-girl! wish you a wonderful time!
so cute and romantic!
i love surprises. my hubs isn't great at them, and i know a lot of guys aren't, so feel blessed that you got a good one :).
Sounds so lovely! What a nice surprise. I hope you enjoyed your romantic night away together!
sounds so romantic! wish I could have gone away but I had to work
such a sweet thing for max to do. i hope you had so much fun!
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