Me and twinkie's husband had a really great time!!! AWESOME seats, perfect SUMMER weather. I couldn't believe i was FINALLY getting to see my Ranger's bf Michael Young in action!!! and my two other faves-- Ian Kinsler & Marlon Byrd.
you can't go to a game without a hot dog!
& since i don't eat them... here's philip enjoying

And although my Rangers did not win and lost embarrassingly bad to those yankees... it was pretty cool to see A-ROD and Jeter. Shh.... i'm ashamed to admit that ;).

everything happened in our section: little boy caught the homerun next to us and a couple of rows up- this guy proposed to his fiancee.
i don't really think it's cheesy to propose to me at a live sporting event, because as you will know, I love sports, espec. my teams! PLEASE just make sure it's the team i love, like the Dallas Mavericks or Texas Rangers- and if you could somehow get my said favorite player to be involved somehow... like hold the sign or something? then it wouldn't be so cheesy. I'm just saying.... love, me xodear boy-i-will-marry,
Rangers, this will DEF. not be the last game we share together. We are already making plans for July 4th weekend... just so you know.

*see more of my pics via my facebook and if you're on fb, you should def. friend me!!!!
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