Monday, February 8, 2010

Iconic Suggestion.

one of my parent's first dates was to a drive-in movie to see "Love Story." He later gave his new wife a jewelry box that plays the haunting melody of this iconic film.

My momma still has that jewelry box.

in High School, i read the book by Erich Segal and to this day get chills at the opening lines. I've even tried to get Max to watch it with me when we first moved in together.

i love Ali MacGraw's style in this film. How she calls Ryan O'Neal's character preppy. When she tells him those classic lines, "Love means never having to say you're sorry."
i was thrilled when i saw one of the new shirts at Every Little Counts was "Ode to Ali MacGraw" as part of their A Girl In Love collection.

I know i already bragged on Every Little Counts two Sundays ago... but i had to tell you about this shirt, and i had to tell you about this:

Go enter their first giveaway here.

and afterwards... be sure to pick up your copy of "Love Story" and watch with a box of kleenex.


Anonymous said...

i still remember watching love story for the first time, my best friend and i picking it randomly out of her grandma's extensive lovey-dovey movie collection. we had no idea what had hit us as we sat sobbing into the duvet.

i will always love that story. rest in peace, erich segal.

danielle and dinosaur toes said...

I try to get Chris to watch older movies with me, too, but it still hasn't happened. He doesn't know what classics are!

I'm so hoping I win that giveaway. Sorry Micaela, I know we're bloggy friends, but I may get competitive over that shirt! ;)

VanessasRunway said...

Ok I've just added this movie to my netflix list! I've never seen it!

Erin {pughs' news} said...

So, you think I should see this, then?

It's one of those movies everyone loves, and I have been missing out!

Sarah Frills4Thrills said...

Oh my goodness! She does look super cute! I've never heard of her nor the movie... I must research and watch!

chelsea rebecca said...

YES i entered i can't wait!! i love all there tees! makes me want to pair it with a fun little skirt, some tights... and the classic keds!! thanks for spreading the word!

{can you believe i've never seen this?! i need to get on it.. and i'm with vanessa.. adding it to my queue right now!

Kassi said...

i haven't seen that movie in ages.
putting it on the netflix list.
i love the tshirt but i rarely wear them... i would totally enter but i would feel guilty if i won...
and that story about your parents is so sweet.
also, i love your new profile pic for blogger... you are beautiful!

Sara said...

Anna!! Omg omg omg! And...I haven't seen that film before maybe it's about time for me to see it!

gina marie said...

i figured out why i love your blog so much ...

i mean, for obvious reasons but mostly because I remember how sweet and innocent love can me ... and SIMPLE.

its refreshing and i always leave your blog feeling a little lighter in heart.

ps. it's taco tuesday (and i designate you to have one for me today)

ciao bella!


William Street Store said...

♥ I watched it for the first time last year... oh my !!!
I adore!!
And that top is so gorgeous! xxx

Every Little Counts said...

i love this post! that is the sweetest story about your parents!!! a love story jewelry box! amazing! that music does indeed get me every time.

(thanks for spreading the word by the way!)


Unknown said...

I also read Love Story in high school and cried buckets -- no, oceans -- when I later saw the film. I think I just might need that shirt. :)

Marisa said...

i got the book after your last post about this amazing film. I haven't read it yet but its coming up...
The music in this movie can move you to tears... with any dialogue.

Great t-shirt.

Micaela said...

Vanessa, you must! esp. you, you bride-to-be. (you too sara!)

Erin, YES!!! report back to me & let me know what you think afterwards.

Chelsea, my thoughts exactly (on how i'd wear the t). Get on with the watching :)

Kassi, I hardly wear t's either except with my cut off shorts in the summer. then it becomes my uniform. Mostly i wear them still with skirts :) thank you for noticing my pic change love! x

Gina, amore! that is one of the SWEETEST things anyone's ever said about my blog. Grazie infinite! Tuesday Taco... mmm deal! random story: my nieces who live in italy visited for christmas (they're 2 & 5) could NOT get enough of Taco Bell. seriously. they'd wake up and ask for it. Do you ever miss places like that? bacio xO

amy, OF COURSE :) i know it limits my chances of winning lol but i've had such awesome luck with giveaways lately, i want to spread the karma. so even if i don't win- i want one of my fabulous readers to. (danielle! *wink)

M, YES! I know, i'm so behind in my book reading. btw- i forgot to ask if you liked "bright star?" STILL need to see it. I'm about to watch Grey's online and catch up. love you, my Christina. xo

Erin Cox said...

how is it that i have never seen this movie? definitely making it a priority...

and that shirt is to die for!

i love the story about your parents, when i read that your mother still has the box.... that put a huge smile on my face. you have such an appreciation and admiration for love, and that's one of the many reasons i love this blog!

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