Thursday, September 25, 2008

Mcdreamy mmmm.

"Ba ba bennnie and the jets"...

Yep my dears, SIR ELTON was on the radio on my way back to work from lunch so that can only mean one thing-- It's going to be a GREAT day!!!

and it just HAS to be cos guess what season opens today?!?! (Forget "Heroes" Maria!!!)

another season of MCDREAMY!!! yup!!! looove it! and the season finale was AH-MAZING so it can ONLY get better!!!! heck ya! I loved when Meredith put those candles out in the shape of their home...

Me and C are just like them. No wait... we are more like Carrie & BIG!!!

my Mom hadn't watched the AH-MAZING film yet and we (of course!) bought it tues. and watching it the 2nd time around was even better. I was still on the edge of my seat. I just KNEW it would mean more to me this time around... and it did.

esp. the part where she sees him inside the closet in their dream home and she runs to him. That look in her face when she first sees him... We've all been there. And she says, "It wasn't love. It was logic." *goose bumps* It's SUCH a touching movie. le sigh.

lovely was when my momma said we (me and c) were just like carrie & her Big. As a self proclaimed carrie wannabe... that was one of THE best things she could say to me. lol I'M A DORK! i know. ;)

enjoy grey's everyone!!!
and then we can discuss. ;)

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