Monday, November 24, 2008

twinkie souls

I am lucky to have been born with my best friend.
She's my twinkie. My Marz. My soul mate.
This weekend we were talking about how we are always helping out.

How we feel bad saying no to anyone who needs our help, even if it means less sleep/canceling plans or events - (like on a day where we aren't doing anything but want to veg and watch a movie)/ or loaning money... even when i barely have enough to afford me. :)

the other night we were talking about who raised us like that? our Momma never had to work so... and not that my dad isn't hard working because he totally is! but sometimes he even tells us we need to take a break cos we work ourselves so much.

i told Marianne we raised each other that way.

It sounds cheesy :) but we totally agreed to that. She said it's because we're twins, we've always looked out for the other, so we think like that.

Twinkie, i don't mind raising you for the next 24 years!!!

* ps. i swear our momma put us in pig tails til we were in 5th grade.

1 comment:

Joanna Goddard said...

this is SO cute. you guys are totally adorable. ps. i talk to strangers, too! :)

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