Thursday, January 22, 2009


my auntie thess is visiting.
she's my momma's younger sister.

she smokes menthol lights.
yesterday, i was outside with her and borrowed one.

i instantly cringed thinking of my little baby nieces.
i told my auntie thess that one day if my nieces ask to borrow a cig,
i would smack their bums.

it's funny to think about my auntie making us take naps when i was little... bathing me. Then later, giving me and my junior high gfs a ride to the mall when we couldn't drive. And now we're outside of my parent's house, and I'm sneaking a smoke at 24 yrs of age.

One day these little babies of mine below are going to ask me about boys.
They're going to ask me about drinking. About love and heart-ache. But hopefully... not about cigarettes.

it's hard to picture what marina will be like at 24.
Sophia at my age.
Milen is already on her way of acting like a teenager :)

niece marina

niece sophia

their cousin, my niece milen

One thing's for sure. They'll be beauties, always.


VanessasRunway said...

This was such a sweet post! Those little girls are loooovely! ;)

The Fab Miss B said...

They really are beauties!

east side bride said...

they will be man killers!

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