ps. as a vegetarian, I MUST tell you that eating turkey is bad. just bad. !
2:) James Mcavoy.
Becoming Jane. Atonement. Need i explain more? Me and my twinkie fight over him. ha.
3:) Jude Law. His crooked smile. Him in "The Holiday." Swoon.
4:) Clive Owen = mmm. Serious man hot.
5:) Simon Baker. That hair. His eyes when he smiles. His accent.
Added bonus: Gerard Butler. PS, i love you!
so there you go ladies! who do you love?
I loved how she talks about the different books of "guy lit" and the differences in male authors vs. women writers.
..."I've had many great, gripping experiences reading male writers who, like JD Salinger, put men down on the page with a kind of real, raw, naked specificity that, whether in fiction or non-, makes them multidimensional and--excitingly---intimately available..."
I love that!
I've always had a fixation with Lolita-esque plot lines...and she spoke about a book called "The Corrections."
..."Seducing his boss's boss's boss's daughter...he artfully employs every inch of his red-and-blue mug---bashfully looking away from Denise to guilt her about her relative advantages in life, lowering his lids languorously when she starts to come around, and bowing his enormous head in stage solemnity when she finally undresses. The seduction makes my hair stand on end each time I read it."
She ends it by thanking so many men (writers) who "have opened my eyes to male inner lives."
Interesting concept really.
Didn't I tell you joanna has the scoop on ALL things cool?! :)
Today on SMITTEN and A Cup of Jo, she introduced us to a HILARIOUS site called I love you but...
a completely funny take on relationships. Everything from "I love you, but you talk to strangers" (totally me!!!) to the more serious, "I love you, but you don't believe in God." (deal breaker, btw!)
Me on my way to a co-worker's jewelry party earlier this evening.
Only one who came who didn't really know anyone else and was under probably... 35. :)
A ton of fun, cos a.) i love girl time and b.) i love to mingle!
I also got to know ladies i work with who are in different departments.
Not to mention i get to look forward to when my new jewelry comes in! yay!!!
lover, i only spent $100... not bad!
honestly :)
i even got the fabulous fad (i think!) the "spoon ring."
ha! love it
I watched her last night as a guest on David Letterman (on a sidenote? man, I'm SO going to miss "great moments in Presidential speeches") and was just blown away by her soft-spoken manner, beauty, and grace.
How is it fair that someone can be THAT beautiful, and talented as well? it's not!!! lol
But both she is. You can listen to her album online.
I love her lyrics, like this one:
Promise me no promises,
So will I not promise you:
Keep we both our liberties,
Never false and never true:
We could have said we met our soul mate when we were 7....
we could have played in the sand... and then later, as grown ups, played with each other. :)
you could have been my first kiss... and my last kiss.
my best friend always.
pic seen here. She talked about fashionable clothes for tots. I saw what we would have been like. "The Time Traveler's Wife." Everyone I've loved, has read it because I've made them. :)
I made one for lover & i. "love you, love me" it says on the front.
have a great weekend lovies!!!! xo
and of course, i'd love to hear your plans.
*pic found on this gorgeous blog.I love you dear brother!!!
my papa says that when Marco was little, he always wanted to fly in a "ca-dopter"... what little Marco called helicopters. :) Look at you brother, you're doing it now!!! xo
PET HEAD for dogs, from the line of Bed Head products!!!
I HAD to buy a bottle of product for her.