
Marianne is SOOO CUTE and she's SOOOO EXCITED about seeing her Britney Spears.
YAY!!! Twinkie Soul, we are going to have SO.MUCH.FUN.!!!!!
Marianne is SOOO CUTE and she's SOOOO EXCITED about seeing her Britney Spears.
YAY!!! Twinkie Soul, we are going to have SO.MUCH.FUN.!!!!!
I'm off after lunch to pick up MAVERICK!!!! yes lovies, Monday I will return to you a puppy owning little blogger!!!! Can't wait to show you her!!!!!!!!!! I'm sooooo excited!!!!
ps. any exciting plans?
*pic here.
Kim Kardashian's got nothing to hide – even if magazine editors and the public disagree, she says on her blog.
"So what: I have a little cellulite. What curvy girl doesn't!?" the reality star, 28, writes on her blog in response to a brouhaha in which a photo of her for Complex magazine was accidentally released on the Internet before editors realized their mistake and quickly replaced it with the official photo of her.
The official picture had been retouched to slim down her famously zaftig figure.
HAHA i'm keeping it up as a good conversation starter :)
barry said he was going to write, "let's get beers again soon" but since it's up in the office.. lol
ya we work hard in our office ;)
It lightened my Monday though.
*added 3/26/09: Yesterday my little seester and her bf Matt came into my office to pick up some AVON stuff i ordered for her from my co-worker and Matt goes, "You met Matthew McConaughey?!?!" LOL it was so cute!!! I was like, "SERIOUSLY? matt don't you know that if I met him, I would have said something?!?!" hahaha Barry had a laugh that it worked! loved it!
*nagita took this pic on her blackberry
my pappa called her penelope cruz. lol twinkie laughed at that! how can you call a little 2 yr old penelope cruz?! lol it was sweet.
Me and Max are worried about introducing Bubbles and Maverick/Bono to each other, not because Bubbles isn't friendly (she's over-friendly :) in a good way), but because she's going to be so much bigger. My boss is worried that with work/going out/my spin classes that I won't have time/energy to be a puppy Mom again. It is a huge responsibility. I know that. I remember when me and C had lola and i was already asleep cos i had to anchor my morning show the next day, i had to call him to hurry home from a night out because Lola wanted to play. [C was at the casino and promised to give me half of his winnings if he could stay out longer lol]
I admit, C was a big crutch in raising lola. He had done it before, he had Potter.
But i can do this. She (along with her sister Lola) will be the most loved bichon in the world. :)
And i can not wait to get her.
So i have to ask what Glamour writer Erin has already asked and because it seems so, Are Puppies the New Babies?
For this 25-year-old girl, it is for now :)
And I say it's all right Little darling, it's been a long cold
lonely winter
Little darling, it feels like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun and I say
it's all right Little darling,
the smiles returning to the faces-The Beatles
I'm trying to wear brighter colors, but you can see I still have my black peeking thru :)
oh and I believe a pony tail is a def. hair style.
Off to work out and catch a flick with seester/husband.
*THIS would be a great idea too!!! esp. for newly weds are if you've started a family...oh domestic-ness, catch a hold of me quick ;)
*prints seen here.
she's so cute!
Sometimes you need an easy read and this is perfect for that.
And I'm pretty sure I'm going to dream of Edward Cullen... I mean Robert Pattison :)
and OF COURSE, my favorite Irish... BONO!!!