Sunday, February 28, 2010
Sharing Sundays... i-zilla the terrible.

Saturday, February 27, 2010
in a week and a day i will be 26...
Friday, February 26, 2010
Oh, Apolo.

P.S. Elaine & Erin, because i adore you Canadian girls, i won't mention my feelings on the silly disqualification in the 500. *wink. I'm so glad you girls got to experience the spirit of the Olympics!
A Happy Friday!

Thursday, February 25, 2010
i knew he should have these, that they no longer belonged to me.

inside the card, i wrote this:
"As much as I'm going to miss these (my little Jolie) I know that you should have them. I found them tucked away in an old wallet and was sad...sad for failing this little boy.
"Think only of the past as it's remembrance gives you pleasure." -Jane Austen
ps. I am so thankful you are still part of my life."
and honestly i am.
i often forget that he was very much my heart's first lesson. I don't give him that credit because i'm much too blind from a greater love than i've ever known.
but Once Upon a Time....
knick knack exchanges.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Wish List: Round Edges.

ode to Anna Karina.

Amy, THANK-YOU for hosting such a fabulous giveaway! I absolutely loooove it and moreso in awe of how you and your husband adam started up such a gem of a collection. I will cherish this win, i promise. The quality and comfort is just beautiful. I love it!!! a million x's and o's.
check out Every Little Counts le blog / le shop.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
absence makes the heart grow fonder : lyrically inclined.

i always dreamt of a red door, but this could possibly change my mind...
lovies, darling fiance has today-wens. off so we've been spending this time together {i love this time!} so i've been scarce as far as escaping to your worlds. I'm still around, i promise! and i'll visit your corners of the internet just as soon as i can.
we're off to eat indian food (my fave), a well deserved treat after an hour of non-stop cardio at the gym this morning.
while i'm away, leave me a song lyric you love? here's one of mine:
"She wears my love like a see-through dress"
- U2
Monday, February 22, 2010
Two Things i Love... Around my Home.

Happy Birthday to my Brother : #18 you are the winner!!!

Sunday, February 21, 2010
My brother's birhday is tomorrow which means...

Sharing Sundays... tinypaperheart.

Saturday, February 20, 2010
{simple things}
Friday, February 19, 2010
nothing like hand made valentines in the mail.
i loved each and every one of them. thank-you valentines!!! and to sarah & angelina and carina for hosting such fun swaps.