Friday, May 29, 2009

"the flutter in my stomach when i feel hopeful"

Didn't that just give you goosebumps?!
sweetness from my boy.

I'm sooo sorry for our fight.
I'm sorry I'm hard headed and didn't hug you immediately instead.
Forgive me?
love you mostly. xo
once upon a time...
i told him he smelt like sleep.

"His tall, lanky body had the wrinkles of sleep, and he smelled like
cotton & dreams."
-Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
"time on my hands... could be time spent with you"

i believe in hugs. that they can change anyone's day. and always.
Happy Birthday to my Darling Friend xo

Writing on the Wall.
Oh, those facebook statuses.
Out catching the game with a group of friends, my friend Joe sweetly asked me how my heart was? And then i remembered earlier in the day my status said, "Micaela's sick in the heart."
Oh, those facebook statuses.
Glamour's Married Jake had this to say about it all, and it CRACKED me up:
"Facebook is one of the weirdest phenomena ever to hit my generation.
All of a sudden, you have this incredible intimacy with people you haven't seen in twenty years, some of whom you were never that intimate with to begin with. You know whose kids puked last night. You know who loves oatmeal. (Seriously, someone wrote that this morning: I love oatmeal! I'm like: dude, who cares? I wouldn't even write that in my journal, let alone share it with all the five hundred people I know.) And you know who is battling depression (people are open about it) and obesity and divorce and great terrible grief."
Because there's a Gigi in us all, read on to see what Jake says about our boyfriend's looking up their exes online...
And while you're at it, be my friend on FB? Krissa did! if you don't know her, do yourself a favor and check out her cute cute blog, Randomness. Don't we all love Random people? I do!!!!
*truth be told, sometimes i have a hard time saying something witty on my status.
anyone else have this problem? here's a cute one, next time you go blank:
"your wall or mine?" ;) ha!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
“When real people fall down in life, they get right back up and keep walking.”- carrie bradshaw

they came just in time to get dressed up for Max's birthday tomorrow. I'm thinking white dress?
*speaking of the boy's birthday... i just set up his birthday pressies, so when he wakes up, hopefully he'll be surprised! :) details tomorrow...
xo your high heeled Micaela
TX RANGERS & the Yankees

dear boy-i-will-marry,
i don't really think it's cheesy to propose to me at a live sporting event, because as you will know, I love sports, espec. my teams! PLEASE just make sure it's the team i love, like the Dallas Mavericks or Texas Rangers- and if you could somehow get my said favorite player to be involved somehow... like hold the sign or something? then it wouldn't be so cheesy. I'm just saying.... love, me xo

Friday, May 22, 2009
Ranger Danger!
My brother-in-law is taking me to my very first ever RANGERS game!!!
darling friend has been wanting to take me to one, but alas, since he works in the News Business he works Monday. [Max- i love me some Rangers- as you can tell by the pic below- BUT! The Rangers got NOTHING on my Mavericks! Thank you THANK YOU for taking me to see them play TWICE! and on my birthday, no less. OH, and i didn't name my puppy Ranger, for obvious reasons! *wink]

side note : my dear boosies, you look lopsided and low. You may be lop-sided but you are def. not low because you have NOTHING that can go low. love, disappointed me.
AHHHH!! yes!!! so I get to spend the holiday watching my Rangers bf Michael Young hopefully win again!!! I CAN NOT WAIT!!!!
doesn't twinkie have the best husband????
Thursday, May 21, 2009
you remember the feeling.
(I was surprised she liked it so much)
it might have had something to do with her comparing their love to Romeo & Juliet.
Really, i think it had something to do with Edward.
We oohed and ahhed over Robert Pattison, who she compared to James Dean.
During the movie, my very cute Mother said, "I want a vampire of my own."

In the middle of...

"Her collarbone was a mystery.
'I knew you were beautiful under there," I said,and this was the first spot on her I kissed."
"I looked at her, and for just a splinter of a minute saw the woman she used to be-- one who knew where to find her smile, instead of having to rummage for it; one who always messed up punch lines and still got a laugh; one who could reel me in without even trying."
American Idol made me consume TOO much food.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
We all smile the same.
I'm pretty sure, knowing my sweet Momma, that she probably wished for each of us to be happy.
Monday, May 18, 2009
some days, ESP MONDAYS! I feel like this:
i am girl who loves pointed heels but these, these are wikid enough to get married in!
Love it, but the heels, the heels I am in love with! that would easily be my something blue.

Rock of LOVE, indeed!!!!

AND!!!! HE pointed at ME!!!! i promise he did, i was the only girl in view at the time in our section, cos darling friend held me up while i stood on the railing in my heels.

"Don't need nothin' but a good time
How can I resist
Ain't lookin' for nothin' but a good time
And it don't get better than this"
Didn't sleep well last night...
Maverick slept well! but Mav can sleep ANYWHERE...
case and point: as i was catching up on your lovely blogs with a glass of wine and a side of insomnia last night- she fell asleep on darling friend's back pack in his office.
Ps. Look at her pink little ears! they've gotten so floppy since we have to wait to get her groomed.
he illuminates everything in me.

Every love is carved from loss.
Mine was. Yours is. Your great-great-great-grandchildren's will be.
But we learn to live in that love."
-everything is illuminated, jonathan safran foer

*wonderful wonderful quote seen on the wonderful wonderful una bella vita, who just celebrated her 1 year!
Friday, May 15, 2009
tonight i was supposed to go to my guy friend's Assignment Night (he's a pilot and finds out which jet he's getting and where he'll be stationed) where i'm promised fun, free beer + pizza, but alas, I'm not FULLY over my cold so... :( not at all the best times to make a first impression and mingle with a roomfull of gents.
but tomorrow, tomorrow is the BRET MICHAELS concert!!! that I'm looking forward to :)
have a ROCKIN' weekend where I'll leave you with this:

written all over you
(and i think i looked everywhere...)
*ooh la la words via la vie en bleu.
i finally saw Paris, Je T'aime. It took my breath away

But the EMT story... that was my fave. That one brought tears to my eyes.
Someday I'll share my own little story with Paris... amongst the cobblestone rues of possibility.

Happens Every Day

It's hard to imagine that our hearts are capable of walking away from the fairy tale life we have. This book is her very personal intimate account of that very heart ache. It was painful to read, both physically and emotionally, she shared her story so well. But it also filled me with hope:

"Daddy looked over my shoulder, put his hand on my head, and said,"Wanna hear something famous that Adlai Stevenson once said about Eleanor Roosevelt at her funeral?"
"Yeah," I said.
He said that she was the kind of person who would rather light a candle than curse the darkness.
It has become my motto. "
She spoke about the only poems she's ever recognized as sublime, one he had given her at the start of their love affair. It's a John Ashbery poem called "At North Farm."
"Somewhere someone is traveling furiously toward you,
At incredible speed, traveling day and night,
Through blizzards and desert heat, across torrents,
through narrow passes.
But he will know where to find you,
Recognize you when he sees you. "