Friday, July 31, 2009

the written word.

i just joined The Benevolent Postcard Society.
i'm already excited!!!
and i think you lovies would love it too.
join with me?
Thursday, July 30, 2009
we'll live on hugs and kisses.

i heart strangers.

i wanted the pen look...
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
he loves me.

i've always loved that line from alanis morissette's song "everything."
i needed to find a boy who fit those lines.
because i am that whole song.
i think i've found him.
the boy who loves even my dark.
thank-you darling friend for being there for me
(and not just today, but especially today).
thank-you for wanting to take care of me.
thank-you, thank-you, thank-you!
i feel a good cry coming on...

i'm sleepy.
have the worse cramps.
i'm broke.
i feel pathetic.
i feel like i'm going to cry at any minute.
i have a big work project but i can't stay focused.
i feel ugly.
i feel unhappy for all the above reasons.
i couldn't even get a hold of my bf to vent this morning
{yes, my bad day started on my way to work}
i have a lump in my throat because i want to cry.
and i know it could all be because it's "that time of month"
but i think i would welcome a good cry with open arms.
it is just one of those days.
*pic via style within.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
all because she said yes.

my father was in the air force and stationed in the Philippines.
summer people.
um because in Texas you have to have a good pair of boots. I'd wear these all the time if i could get away with it... to work especially.
Monday, July 27, 2009
"By morning, you'll be gone."

eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
pieces of me.

I've been very happily given this award, for bloggers who 'keep it real.' The lovely Farah from Ramblings of An Inane Mind {apparently} sees something in me and this makes me happy to no end.
According to the rules, I need to divulge ten things about myself that most people don't know and award this to 10 fellow bloggers. Here we go...
ten random things about Micaela:

2. i love antique stores. i always flip through the vintage photographs and purchase ones that show a couple together and wonder about their story.
3. i hardly wear anything but a dress or skirt and i'm always {ALWAYS} in heels.
4. that being said, i will drink you under the table esp. during a good sports game. i'm loyal to my Texas teams.
5. i drink coffee at all hours, esp. after dinner. {i like to think i'm European that way}
6. my past sundays have been movie dates with myself: pajamas- 2 rented indie/foreign films-watching them back-to-back.
7. i believe in written thank-you notes.
8. i don't believe in working out on fridays.
9. i say a prayer everytime i see an ambulance.
10. i have truly loved 4 guys in my life; 3 have truly loved me back.
and so i pass this award to:
through the looking glass
vanessa has already done it and meg is on her disappearing act... so for anyone else who wants to play {and please do, i'd loooove to read your ten!} do so, and just say I chose YOU! *wink.
Friday, July 24, 2009
happy summer friday lovies!!!
I am the luckiest.
i sometimes forget it.
i sent these lyrics to darling friend.
that last line max? it's for you.

"I don't get many things right the first time
In fact, I am told that a lot
Now I know all the wrong turns, the stumbles and falls
Brought me here
And where was I before the day
That I first saw your lovely face?
Now I see it everyday
And I know
That I am
I am
I am
The luckiest
*What if I'd been born fifty years before you
In a house on a street where you lived?
Maybe I'd be outside as you passed on your bike
Would I know?
And in a wide sea of eyes
I see one pair that I recognize
And I know
That I am
I am
I am
The luckiest
I love you more than I have ever found a way to say to you ... "
*i love love love that part. i have a thing for time travel.
Thursday, July 23, 2009

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
random act of kindess
"My random act of kindness for today: went to drive through at starbucks, paid for my drink and for the person behind me."
marco, you not only made the perfect stranger's day, you made your seester's day too. xo

*pic via fine tuning's Flickr
P.S. COLDPLAY WAS AMAZING!!! pics soon...
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
it won't be just any tuesday night...

Coldplay is my absolute favorite band ever.
they've been my absolute comfort on many occasions.
Chris Martin always gets it right.
He sings my heart.
and tonight, i get to share my heart with the boy who's given me his... Max, we're going to remember this night. Thank-you for making this night happen. xo
Monday, July 20, 2009
It could start in the light. There would be hours of darkness later, sure, when in the moon-cast blue they'd wander over and over this new terrain, learning the lay of the land as much by touch as by sight. There would be that long nighttime, enjoying the obscurity of being in each other's arms.
But here was the revelation: it could start in the light.
Those uncounted hours alone in her sleepless room had taught Flannery something, after all.
That in love, she could face illumination."
i spent all saturday enthralled in reading.
i finished this book and delighted in it.
*pic: restart my heart
nostalgia. just what i needed on a rainy monday.

looking at Tina's holga images of Roma brought me back to my dolce vita... i was 19, wide-eyed and with an open heart in beautiful italy.
Friday, July 17, 2009
brilliant. Why didn't i think of this?
i was in love.
the biggest walk-in closet in my bedroom. finally. i thought i had made it.
Unfortunately {or fortunately}, my roommate got a great job opportunity in another City shortly after we moved in.
i cried saying good-bye to my closet.
it seems silly, but to me it was a sign of being on my own and proving i could do it fabulously.
{it was, after a break-up too}
luckily, Max lets me take up all the space in the pretty big walk-in closet at casa di M...
yet if i should ever move somewhere where i don't have such a luxury, i will remember this brilliant idea from Layers of Meaning-- desk included.

oh, I'm in love. It's times like these that i wished i had done this. in the same breath, i'm pretty in love with my current roommate....
Thursday, July 16, 2009
"Show me a hero and I will write you a tragedy." - F. Scott Fitzgerald
below is an excerpt from a beautifully written memoir.
i highly highly recommend reading it.
i fell in love with the Kennedys and felt like I knew Carolyn Bessette, as only a good book can do.

*the author was married to JFK Jr.'s cousin. She recalls speaking to Carolyn, and making plans for the next day:
"I hung up the phone and opened the book I was reading, and an hour later she was dead. Afterward I tried to find something to explain what had happened--was it cloudy, were the stars out? But the night was ordinary. It usually is. I think, when your life changes. Most people aren't doing anything special when the carefully placed pieces of their life break apart."
i've had a lousy week... but there's nothing like a niece to make you smile.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
"There was a wildness to her beauty then that had intimations of the Brontës."

before bed last night, me and darling friend stayed up reading. it was lovely. {oh it's the small things in life} i read him that passage and asked him if it reminded him of anyone he knew?
it's me.
it's how he loves me.
how thankful i am for this {his} kind of love.
*pic via dannske's flickr.
cute cute cute movie!!!
me & twinkie had a movie date with our sister friends, lauren & mehle. { actually, we all liked to say we had a date with ryan reynolds. ooh la la!!!! }
we laughed and laughed and were near tears, this movie was that cute/perfect!!!!
i even forgave myself i forwent the gym (after eating a HUGE lunch of pasta because- i had planned to go to the gym) and for devouring a tub of popcorn... because i love spontaneous plans.
i love a movie that makes you forget about "life" for awhile.
and one of us needed that most yesterday.
Monday, July 13, 2009
my past life.
i've been finding old things i wrote at a time of my life i had
forgotten about.i had just turned 22.i'm still in awe of this girl i was...and it was only 3 years ago.it seems like a lifetime.

i laid next to you tonight like i had so many nights
but it was different this time....
but i was trying to hold on to something
and i looked at you with my sad glittery eyes and said,
"can you believe i'm going to disappear?"
you said, "that won't happen"
and i said "why not?"
"because we both don't want that to happen."
but hasn't it?
i'm here
and you're there....
and it's a beautiful night
which makes no sense at all
Friday, March 10, 2006
*pic via loveology
i am.

Friday, July 10, 2009
I should quit you...
meg's body initiative.
i've got a perfect body, but sometimes i forget, i've got a perfect body 'cause my eyelashes catch my sweat, yes they do.

it's times like these i wish i kept a journal.

*pic here.
absolutely all of the above
i kind of fell in loooove with the below when i saw it on sweet nothings.
this is not just my friday wish for you all and myself, but how about every night of the week??!
esp. monday nights when we may need it most.
agreed? xo

Thursday, July 9, 2009

pic from le love
MIXED feelings.