i'm back and safe from my labor day minnie roadtrip with my darling friend. we had an AMAZING time and saw a really great game, one that ESPN called an instant classic! i can't wait to tell you all about my trip and show you pictures {coming up tomorrow!}
i was a little bummed knowing i have to wake up early and go to work and then my heart started hurting when i realized how soon darling friend will be leaving for his job promotion {i know i know, i've neglected to talk about this HUGE event in our life... i will soon i promise}. I was in need of some joy, so I thought i'd go online and catch up on your lives (i've missed YOU!).
what a right decision that was!
guess what lovies?! of all the giveaways i've entered and wished on countless dandelions, i've never won. never.
but as they say, never say never!!! guess who finally won one?!?!?! *HUGE SMILES!*

I was jumping up and down with joy! Brooke is the happy (and beautiful- i have to add the obvious) wife of Grant {seriously, the cutest couple} and you may already be acquainted with her through the ADORABLE blog Playing Grown Up.

not only does she make the sweetest necklaces, but recently, these fun chalkboards. This is the one i chose, because as i told Brooke- i was going to make Max write me a love note every Friday:
i have been wanting a chalkboard FOREVER.
*THANKS BROOKE for the giveaway. I feel incredibly special!
and lucky for this and for my blessing- for darling friend.
After we got home and played with our doggie babies, he dropped me off to my parents so i could hang out with them for awhile. He just wrote me this text:
"After i left, it started slowly sinking in just how little time we have left together before i leave for VA... :( I love you, you know."
my reply:
"Its scary and makes me soooo sad. :( I love YOU, you know. You completely made my night! my last week. my life."
for these two reasons, i feel incredibly lucky and blessed.
God has blessed this little girl.
and I'm every bit thankful. xo
Congrats! You and Max seem so adorable together. So good to see you happy :)!
how awesome!
um...and i cant wait to hear of this promotion...sounds exciting....
have a great day back to work tomorrow!
aaah Micaela...again such a heart touching post...you are so cute with each other, you and your darling friend...and guess what? I think you really deserve this happiness! xo.
"i love you, you know." my eyes got watery. i really want something like this. you'd know though micaela, i mean, with the novel-like card(s) i wrote you. :P
Welcome HOME!! I'm sorry that your mister Max is leaving soon. We can have lots of girls' nights to try to take your mind off of it and hopefully ease your heart!! I'm always here for you!
thank you so much for my comment!! it was the sweetest thing. I'm happy that I got to share her with you :) She truly makes my heart smile and I'm thankful that she did the same for you!!
love you!
glad your home safe and sound from your adventure...
what a cute chalkboard, i must go visit her site.
to have a man who expresses himself is a true gift.
it will make your seperation that much easier.
oh no, he's moving?!! this makes MY heart hurt...so i can't imagine how you're feeling.
love the chalkboard--how clever.
and ummm...i'd send you a beaded trinket!
you two seem like the cutest and sweetest couple ever.
so sorry to hear he is leaving.
we are all here for you.
congrats on the win hun!
the chalkboard is awesome :)
lady if you dont fill me in immediately on what is going on i might be upset with you.. ok i wont because i understand. but seriously.
congrats on winning!! yay!! that is so dang cute. i'm jealous ;)
oh and welcome back. i've missed you!
i know i know, i need to write about this big move... but for darling friend's work reasons i could not say. {m, thanks for being my confidant and calming me down}
i will soon, i promise!
i will need you girls for support. sigh.
Belen, i pray for a love like this for you. Trust me, it hasn't come easy {as i'll let you on in my card reply!} but through all the pain/heart-ache/learning i've done... i'm slowly allowing myself to be incredibly happy! :) i don't know what i did right to deserve this wonderful boy.
LO, CHEERS to our girly nights!!! since i'm moving back in with the parents- i'm crashing at yours too... just so you know. i miss little bella already. (baby fever!!!!) love YOU!
Meg Fee, you have been there since day 1 with my blog {thank you!!!} and so it means a lot what you said. a lot. + yay on the beaded trinket!!! ;) xoxo
oh and i'm TOTALLY EXCITED about the chalkboard! i still was gushing this morning about how i can't believe i won. It was AWESOME to see my name on her page. :) see? i'm still smiling!!!
*do visit brooke's blog/etsy.
Awesome, congrats!!!
Micaela, I will absolutely design a blog header for you! That would be so fun. Let me know what you want (or if you want one). We can talk. I'm excited!
woot woot! you won! YAY! You and your man are so sweet with each other. keep it up you lovebirds! xo
Congrats on such a cool giveaway! Yay! How exciting! Max is so wonderful! :)
I'm dying for more details on the move! For moral support please reach me at anytime and at Vanessasrunway@gmail.com! LOL
Had to stop back by your blog after the sweet comment you left me about gussy :)
I'm so glad you are holding up and staying happy!!
How about anytime you get sad you stop back by and look at gus holding a nut....hahaha!
vanessa & annie, SOOOO taking you up on that!!! :)
just so you know....
ash, I would love love love it if you could design a banner for me!!! i will email you and we can discuss. I have no doubt you will do a fabulous job!!! (and no pressure... none from little me)
Aww so cool! Congrats! xoxo
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