Friday, February 27, 2009
my horoscope today is dead on.
sick to my heart.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
hello lova!!!

I can not wait to wear them.
I've always wanted nude colored heels and this is pretty close.
I'm hoping they'll make my legs look long...
Pics to come! :)
a VERY EXCITED micaela
someone out there.
ADORABLE! i just think about how her future husband will feel one day when he gets to read her letters. They're funny and heart-felt like this one.
I wrote my own "dear husband" letter after a relationship ended with the man i thought with all my heart i was going to marry.
Maybe one day I will hand-write it, and give it to my someone out there at our wedding.
he's someone right here.
We'll call her Bono...

So there is my big news. I'm reserving a puppy!!!!!!! And we shall call her Bella Bono. Yes, BONO after our beloved u2!!!! we'll call her BeeBee for short :) and i'm going to love her with all my heart.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
I did the walk of shame today.
no no, it wasn't like that- i wasn't THAT shameful and thankfully, never have been! :) no one night stand here- but still, i wasn't in my own bed.
I went to work with the make-up from last night and the clothes i was wearing, sans my Mavs jersey (so little black skirt and top). I'm thankful for a cool boss that i could tell her without fear of losing my job what was up. She bought me & sam (co-worker) Sonic cos I needed something in my tummy... and told me as a friend and a woman what she thought about my walk of shame.
I hurt darling friend with my carelessness. :(
I hurt myself with it.
It was the walk of shame.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
we've all been there.

then he said [as what happens when we drink and feel let down by the world] he wished he had been different when it counted. There was something sweet and still yet so final about that last line. When it counted.
Think about it...
those words just stuck out to me.
I told him i wished a lot of things.
Don't we all have someone we wish we could say that to?
the thing about love is that it's such a vicious cycle.
I couldn't say it back to him, and mean it.
but to another... to the one:
I wish i had been different when it counted too.
Mavs vs The Spurs: Game Night!!!!
Beloved Dallas, show up San Antonio!!!!!
Tony Parker, you may have Eva Longoria but Dirk has ME!!!! hahahaha
I'm suuuuch a nerd.
but I'm excited about this game!!!!!
i may have made a big bet on this one...
Mavs, don't let me down!!!! ;)

and I'm pretty sure i still need this shirt :)
PS. Saturday when we were getting breakfast, there was this little toddler who had on Jason Kidd's jersey. It was THE CUTEST thing, because he was a little kid wearing KIDD. adorable!!!!
*Next day update- so they didn't win... and i was the only girl in my little MAVS jersey out at the sports bar as a table of Spurs fans cheered and clapped. It was annoying, yes- but that's also the great thing about Sports and fans watching their teams! :)

I heart Soledad O'Brien!

Monday, February 23, 2009
Happy Birthday to my brother!!!!
and he was ALWAYS that precious :)
Happy Birthday Marco!!!! I lava you xo
Another thing about Mickey Rourke...

That just goes to show that I'm not the only crazy dog person. :) Max doesn't get that about me. It sounds so stupid when we fight about me wanting to get another Bichon, but I want another one. Not to replace Lola per say, cos how could you replace such a precious girl? C sent me this pic of her last week- she was waiting to grab a toy:

Maybe i'd miss lola less. It would be easier anyway...
I do want another bichon. A girl. We'll call her Bono and then they can have play dates. :)
and even Max will learn to love her. Watch Bono love him more than me! ;)
Oscars Recap!

Friday, February 20, 2009
have an OSCARS Sunday!!!

is it 5 pm yet?

*pic here.
One day i will be a bride...
Thursday, February 19, 2009
little me.
If i could, i'd pack up my bags and live here right this second!

Happy Birthday to my baby sis!!!

Here's the hand-made card i made here while at work:

what are the odds of that??? :)
the back:

"Bless you, my darling, and remember you are always in the heart - oh tucked so close there is no chance of escape - of your sister."
-Katherine Mansfield
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY SIS!!! 23 was a good year to me, I have no doubt it will be the same for you. xo
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
unexpected kind words make my day.
but i have been.
God knows His children.
Today i got an unexpected text from my very missed friend and co-worker at the news station i worked at. She is still a beautiful reporter/anchor there and said she was doing a story and was using file video from a story i did in 2006, one where i did a stand-up. She texted me just to say hi and "i miss my friend! :)" It really made me feel good, it was such unexpected sweetness.
and then this... this just touched my heart and made me want to cry. :) seriously. Courtney is the sweetest girl you will ever know. She has a HUGE heart. Honest. Trust me, I know. She wrote the kindest things about me.
It's funny (and a shame!!!) that we got so close after she moved away. Her emails are my fave. It seriously is like we're chatting over coffee (and smokes- only for me- the smart girl managed to quit!!!! She NEEDS to teach me). Our emails are us sharing our lives... and unashamedly too i might add :) ha! EVERY girl needs a girlfriend like that. One you can tell your shameful secrets to, talk about sex with (!!!!), or just say- listen... i had a bad day, :( i'm not ready to talk about it. Girls like Courtney? they understand.
Everyone needs a beautiful friend like Courtney in their life! :) she is charolette to my carrie, most def!
i could go on and on about my adoration for this girl. I could!
but see for yourself what a wonderful girl she is.


We went to the Casino. No I didn't meet a Robert Redford...
I'd like to think I'm one of these people.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
He gets to meet "celebrities."
[*a REALLY good one i might add!]
Sesame Street Live is coming to town...

i thought it was a big deal. lol

Here was my Pappa's reply:
Micos, *my family nickname
Somewhere we have photos of you guys making a snow man in our back yard when it snowed in Tucson. I think that your Mom wouldn't let you go to Mt. Lemon because you were too small.
Love, Dad
SOOO CUTE. At lunch today, my Momma gave me these pics. There's the beginning of our snowman, you can see his body. lol this i remembered... this is what my Pappa was talking about. Look how happy me and my twinkie look in the first one!

i love my pappa's hat and my momma's frazzled hair :)
they look so young.I'm the one in the pink jacket- i remembered the sleeves were too long cos it's my older sister Luisa's coat. :) I was such a chinky little girl. I was such a happy chinky little girl.
Pappa, thanks for taking us out to play in the snow and helping us build snowmen... love you!!!!
Monday, February 16, 2009
It's okay not to be strong every once in awhile.
just me, a glass of wine (ok the rest of the bottle from v-day)
and my ipod on shuffle.
"what if" by coldplay came on...
What if I got it wrong?
And no poem or song..
Could put right what I got wrong,
Or make you feel I belong
What if you should decide
That you don't want me there by your side?
and soon after, so did my empty tears.
my heart was heavy.
i don't know what started my pity party.
Maybe it was seeing "revolutionary road"... really amazing acting by Leonardo DiCaprio i have to say, and i agree with Meg now, our girl Kate? not so much.
Maybe i saw a past relationship mirrored on screen and it broke my heart all over again.
Maybe it was a heart-breaking email about family.
Maybe i just needed a good cry. Maybe i missed him for a second.
My friend joel was saying how i was always a social butterfly- that i still am. And i told him that i just have broken wings now.
The part that counts when you have a pity party... is picking yourself up and saying enough. The bonus? having someone who understands your hurt, and holds you when you are.
He doesn't deserve to have a broken girl.
And like another song by my beloved Coldplay- He fixes me.
my bambina is 5 today!

little Marina is turning 5 today!!!
and i can't wait to call her on my lunch break and tell her just how loved she is by her auntie.

My valentine? He gave me the kind of quiet/intimate celebration i wanted.

Friday, February 13, 2009

i called him afterwards to thank him and he said, "I couldn't not send you roses on valentines day."
i suppose Max will get MAJOR brownie points later...
thank-you sweet boy!!!
and HAPPY LOVE DAY to all you! I hope you feel loved this weekend- whether it's with your bf/gf, your family, pets, or almost best of all- girlfriends! if you're single, read this fabulous "pep talk."
xo a happy micaela!
my Friday morning started out like a Monday

Friday the 13th!!! :)
I already got yelled at by my boss and it’s only 8:15!!! It REALLY must be Friday the 13th :) But at least it’s FRIDAY!!!!!
and I wrote her saying that it wasn't "Jason" Friday the 13th but it was
I'm STILL going to marry him. ha
When we were younger, my seesters & close girlfriends would make me birthday cards "for him" to me. hahaha we'd even make a cake.
I can't make this stuff up. lol
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Text from My Momma
My Momma really does text like that. I never write "d" for "the." Where does she learn it??? lol She just started texting awhile back. I love it! I'm glad she finally gave in and learned how to, because if not? I would be missing out on funny texts like these all the time.
*btw, she's watching "Nights in Rodanthe."

Momma text cont: "Marz don't like him." *Marz is my twinkie's nickname
My reply: "She's Crazy! Marz also hasn't seen "An Officer and a Gentleman!"
Richard Gere, I agree with my Momma... you are still d man!!!!
an email once sent from darling friend.