he was the editor of our college newspaper.
he was the skinniest boy i've ever dated.
in fact, i watched her while he was out of town.
i felt so grown up.
the end gets me every time.

i love love love your thoughtfulness. i love love love that last line. i completely agree.
the postcard really is so pretty. i have a thing for hummingbirds... it's perfect! i'm going to frame it and hang it in my home and smile everytime i see it. thank-you with all my heart. xoxo
i am sooo thankful for this blogging community. for the friends i've met and for even those that just pass by my little space. it's great to be connected. it's great to be your friend.
a beautiful piece of art that matches my decor. It is GORGEOUS. And it's special. In the Austen styled card, M told me her father picked up one for her when he was in Venice from a street artist (which we just love all the more) and it has since been one of her favorite pieces. She said she had to get one for me. I love it!!! and if that thoughtfulness wasn't enough, she included a book that describes the bond we share. Each word touched my heart.
It was perfect.
and as you can clearly see, M, you made me silly happy!
(me decked out in my Dallas Cowboys jersey)
ps. this will show you how close me and Marisa are... She knows I love all things Italia, but how did she know that her gift would be perfect inside my little home? this below is what you would mainly see in my living room. It's Venice at sunrise.
Venice has a space in my heart. I went to Italy the summer i was 19. I fell in love with the city and it's charming narrow walkways and hidden shops. I told myself i would never come back, unless it was with someone i loved, to share it with. Venice has a space in my heart... and so does my M.
THANK-YOU marisa for making my Monday all the better. For being my friend when I've needed one the most. I don't know that many people who have a friendship like ours. Like you, it's a gem.
i can not tell you enough how much i adore this woman's friendship... so, I'll borrow a few more words from the book she gave me to try:
"We carry each other like
the wind carries the wing
it is effortless weight."
love you M xoxo
and really, what i was just hoping to say with this post was
Good Morning Sunshines!!!
we went and saw "Love Happens" with my girlfriend Jennifer Aniston.it was a long big cry movie, but i do so love my gf still (who's character was named Eloise- love it- and owned her own flower shop). It made me want to live in Seattle. I have never been, but i've always said i wanted to live there. Rain- it's my happy weather.
the part i loved? (without spoiling too much) she keeps a copy of cards sent with flowers that "stayed with her." She said something like, "life... on a 3x5."
Lo, THANKS for my fake glasses and the picture/note. It means SOOO much to me. Don't forget, us sisters have a scary movie night date in your living room- pajamas & sleeping bags. love you!!!! xo
sometimes i want to yell at Meredith for being so complicated and her inability to let herself be happy and good to Derek. and then... i realize, i am the same way to my real-life McDreamy.
one of my favorite episodes, Meredith is in the elevator and her and McDreamy weren't speaking. (He was trying to work things out with Addison.) And she says, "I miss you" quietly without even looking at him and walks out of the elevator.
closer ups of each side of the bed:
you can see a little of maverick's pink bed.
now randoms:
each one is in my bedroom except the bottom left (that's the doorway- i have a thing for door knobs. reminds me of alice and wonderland).
The first one is a print of a card twinkie was given a long time ago in junior high from her first "boyfriend." Travis was really shy, so this card was perfect.
A mexican-inspired tray i bought at a vintage store and yes... those are what you think they are when you look at the wooden squares. Me & Max were at a bookstore and an erotic memory game was on clearance. I saw art.
The carnival mirror on the bottom was made by the artistic aunt of my ex, joel.
thank-you so much for visiting lovies!
please visit again soon?
Dear Darling Friend,
while you've been away, i've learned to properly use the twist tie for the bread. You'd be so proud. But I forget when to take out the trash, because you always did that for us. (It's friday also, right?) Watching tv shows is not the same without you. In fact, i can't watch The Golden Girls just yet... yup, it's that bad. I miss you. Maverick does too. We've bonded more though, which i know is hard to believe since we were already close. I'm proud of her, for slowly adjusting. She sleeps on the bed with me....i know. I'm sorry, but it's more for me than her. We'll have to break her of that again once our family is back together.
i'm trying to cook. i'm trying to budget. i have plans to work out more. i'm reading more and underlining passages to share with you.
luff you,
Chunga xo
ps. what do you think of our house's new girly re-do? kinda weird huh? i thought so, too. Le sigh. I still need to move a book shelf in, and on top of it is where our pictures will go.