you'll always remember who gave you that ornament and the joy of Christmas that year.
so i need your help hosting something simple, but with a lot of heart: my first Ornament Exchange!!!
sign up below, commenting you're in (so others who sign up can get an idea of who they may exchange with!) and then email me with your mailing and blog address (if you have one) + whether you're willing to send overseas. On the subject line, put: Ornament Exchange.
In a nutshell: starts today, Nov. 9th
I will close it next Friday, Nov. 20th (so feel abs. free to spread the holiday cheer)
I'll give you your swap partners on Monday, Nov 23rd
so that you have time to send your ornament to the selected person by Tuesday, December 1st. that way we will have time this year to enjoy our new lovely ornaments on our Christmas trees.
*Ornaments can be vintage/hand-made/bought... whatever you wish but don't spend more than $10 lovies because i know it's about to get crazy with holiday shopping.
DO include a Christmas card for your person and tell them your favorite Christmas memory.
i hope you'll join!
i'm kinda bad at explaining things, so if it sounds confusing and you have any questions, please please drop me a line: micaela.lechugaATgmail.com
ps. i'm digging these feather ornaments... my swap partner may just get one of those. For more inspiration, check out Fallon's Birdcage Ornaments. Hmmm... maybe these ones instead? i love her work.
also... as a thanks, an extra pressie for one lucky participant.
Details here.
yay! Great idea! I'm in! :))))))
girl you know i am totally in.
i am in... OF COURSE
i'm in! i'm in! woohoo!
Aw, this sounds like fun and I'm all for making the most of the holiday season so count me in.
Hi, I'm Raquel BTW. You and your boy are so cute!
Raquel, nice to meet you!!! and thank you for your sweet words :)
I am sooo glad you girls are joining and thank-you for the emails I've already recieved. yay!!!
Count me in, Darling! I'll email you my address,etc. :)
do i really have to tell you i'm in??? ;)
and you probably already know my info, but i'll be sending it in a second. :)
I'm in...I love Christmas! I love getting packages in the mail! I love blogger friends! :)
wooo woo! i'm so in - and excited for my first official swap!!
I'm in..hooray my first swap!!!
I'm a complete ornament whore, count me in!
Yeay for swaps!! I'm definitely in :)
I'm in! I'll e-mail you the details soon!
Did you say Christmas Ornament exchange?! Count me in!
AWHHH! this is an awesome idea! totally in! :) xxx
i haven't looked at my reader in foreva! this is such a great idea!! i'm in!!
Although I'm being a grinch about the whole holiday season this year, I'd like to particpate in this swap. Getting fun, new, original ornaments is always great fun. :)
I'm in, a little bit scared, never done a swap before but I love christmas too much not to try this out!
ooo, this sounds like so much fun! christmas truly is the time to give... and recieve! yay! x
Hooray, my first swap! I'm in!
Also, you and your boy give me hope that kind, consistent men are out there and it was a much needed reminder recently. Thank you!
Oohh, I just came upon this from Rhianne's blog (For the Easily Distracted) & I am soooo in! I love ornaments!
THANK-YOU ladies for all your support and kind words! awww you all are just FABULOUS!!!
rebecca, we can be scared together- i was scared to host my first swap! so i'm glad you took the jump anway. I hope you won't be disappointed. i think it'll be magical!
thank you to everyone who joined and who will join! we're up to 30 people so far. YAY!!! i was excited if only 5 people signed up.
did i tell you all you guys were FABULOUS? cos you are :)
and sarah, that is LOVELY for you to say that. Sigh... i finally am blessed with wonderful love and trust me (as my previous posts on my blog will attest to) it's been a long road here. I wish you the same kind of blessings, sweet girl xo
I'm INNN! I love this blog so much!
Absolutely count me in!!!! I have already been adding to my collection this week!
PS: Headed over from Rhianne's blog xx
in in in in in!
(and one more to grow on... in!)
I'll give it a whirl!
Oh, I would love to join in. I saw this on "For the easily distracted". I love christmas so this is perfect.
Thanks for organising!
im in too.
<3 your blog.
I've decided I'm in! I hope there are some people who will send overseas :)
Great Idea! I'm in!!
I am sooo in! I would especially like to trade with someone overseas!
sounds fun! Count me in!
LOVE this idea! I'm so in! :)
I am in...I think I am supposed to email you...not sure...but I'll send you an email just in case...haha
so fun!
Count me in too. Found this from Jenni over at Absent Minded
So then...I email you, yes?! Mmmk, Think Ill go do that now. =)
I just stumbled on your blog, came over from All Things Bright and Beautiful.
This is an awesome blog!
And, I'm in!
love it!! count me in too :)
oh wow! count me in this is such a sweet idea!
I'M IN TOO! who doesn't love ornaments and surprises in the mail anyway (: xx
What an amazing idea! I'm in. :)
Hey girl! I'm so in!! Just make sure Gabby and I dont get each other hahaha or that could be cute too... :)
I'll email you! This is so fun! I hope to get to know you better too lil lady...we are always commenting on top of each other and Gab always says how sweet you are! Hope you're having a great weekend!
Would love to join in:)
I am in for sure! My email address is...
And me blog address is...
So excited!
This sounds like so much fun! Count me in.
Yay! It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas. Count me in. I'm emailing you now...
oh fun fun!!
please count me in!
oh fun fun!!
please count me in!
I'd love to be part of this. Looks fun! Kate
Ok, I'm a little confused but I'm in!!!! ;) I'll email you now.
im in!
I'm not even bananas about the holidays, but this sounds too fun to miss!
Wow this sounds awesome, I'm in!
omG i found this through missy's blog and I'M DEFINITELY IN!!!!!!
i know i am totally late on this...but if anyone backs out or is unable to send...i would be happy to participate :)
happy holidays!
Count me in!!
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