Like Lolita, is about a man in love with a woman because she consumes a memory to him.

it seems wrong to read something the author meant to destroy. But reading the below review... how can i not be intrigued?
"Nabokov's handwritten index cards are reproduced with a transcription below of each card's contents, generally less than a paragraph. The scanned index cards (perforated so that they can be removed from the book) are what make this book an amazing document; they reveal Nabokov's neat handwriting and his own edits to the text: some lines are blacked out with scribbles, others simply crossed out. Words are inserted, typesetting notes and copyedit symbols pepper the writing, and the reverse of many cards bears a wobbly X. Depending on the reader's eye, the final card is either haunting or the great writer's final sly wink: it's a list of synonyms for “efface”—expunge, erase, delete, rub out, wipe out and, finally, obliterate. "